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Everything posted by LoopSki

  1. Why would you consider giving up the MC!
  2. Any input on what the market will bear for this boat. Asking for friend. Immaculate shape 515 hours total time only 10 hours on the new engine. Located in N Cal. No speed control only draw back. I have never skied one of these so I don't know what they perform like. Hoping to get him to bring it over.
  3. Finally got my son excited about learning to slalom ski and shelf the tube and wakeboard. We borrowed a ski from our neighbor. Not sure if it's part of combo set , but it is a wide ski. He does great off the boom. Put him at long line with a deep v handle. He can get up for a bit. But the ski gets stuck in the v more often than not making it a squirly start resulting in an early fall. Seems like I got three options 1 ) turning 18 in wakeboard handle into a deep V, 2) get him a new ski he does want something with double boots or 3) put him on a standard slalom handle, which I tried and it didn't go so well.
  4. I'm not much help other than to forget about the gates at first. That's awesome that he gets to learn to ski the course at the same time as learning to ski versus having to undo a bunch of bad habits from free skating for years like myself
  5. It's for sure the tower. I'll be happy take it off your hands ! Lol Here is my slow prostar wake. Not best pic. I'll get a better one tonite.
  6. I made one as well used once on my prostar. Made a big difference. I didn't use any ballast and if I had a better bigger board im sure it would be surfable. I found it to be dumb so likely won't do it often. Pics are on our ski lake. When we surfed it was on a deep public lake 8
  7. Thanks That's the info I needed! No wonder the guy at foster city gave me info for non motorized.
  8. My son loves mac b cheese like most kids do im sure. There is a mac n cheese fest in SF. Thinking about staying near Foster City and bringing the boat. Haven't been there in 18 years or so. I recall I had to go to the city with reg, insurance to get a pass to use it. I called the city today and the dude tells me nothing is needed not even a launch fee. Just show up and go. Any ballers ski there or know any details. Don't want to get there and not be able to use as I am sure the city offices are closed on weekends.
  9. Oops. Thought it said under 15k
  10. Tower is fugly but basically what you asked for. https://chico.craigslist.org/boa/d/1999-mastercraft-sportstar/6624666363.html
  11. Paid way too much money for new Mastercraft just have it be used as a slalom tractor on a private Lake
  12. https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/boa/d/1993-mastercraft-prostar-190/6622667598.html
  13. At one point few years ago , I was all gung ho about skiing tournaments. I wanted to ski a lot, train and get better. I've now said screw it. Tournaments are boring! Im never gonna be competitive skiing against guys that get into 39 in my class. Skiing to compete against myself is lame. So now, I just stay home , ski and drink some beers.if I ski well , great . If not , who cares. Way more fun ! Things would need to change a lot to draw me back in. I will however ski one tournament at Pleasant Oak Ski Party. That event is fun.
  14. Yeah. I wish I could at least do a visual
  15. Lost my go pro too on first time use. Bummer.
  16. On mine I have come to figure out where it's at. If it reads past full or past empty , it's off. If it reads in between , it's accurate.
  17. Mine has never worked right since new last year. I just deal with it.
  18. If the Olympic hope wasnt already dead. This probably put the nail in the coffin
  19. Not sure how much water we actually took in but there was about 6 inches of water cover the entire floor . We are on the Delta for those of you don't know it it's a Labyrinth ofsloughs and channel in central California. You got every type of boat out there from ships to small fishing boats. We were cruising in a channel When We Came Upon a large yacht going about 10 15 miles an hour. It was creating awake probably about 4 to 5 ft tall. I did everything I could to keep the nose up but it was just too much to handle in a Malibu response LXI it was scary but we survived boat didn't sink in the pump got all the water out
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