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Everything posted by LoopSki

  1. As the lottery reaches $ 1 billion , I am trying to figure out what I will do with my winnings. After I buy a King Air and put in a run way , I'm wondering if I will have enough left over to convert the lake into indoors . Is it even structurely possible ? Retractable roof of course would be nice .
  2. looks like someone has some beer coming their way!
  3. @swc5150 so you would consider buying a 200 by Bayliner ? lol
  4. they went this far with it . why not add two more guns to shoot out gates . if they could figure out how to color the balls it would be a hit
  5. if they can get the splash to turn red and add gates it will be really cool
  6. Never looked at it but the prop that came from the factory on my 17 prostar works great on all leveis. I see no need to tweak it or change it. Mostly run sea level but did run it for a weekend at 5900ft , no problem.
  7. Id be interested in a few weekend trips down there.
  8. Since my screen is loose anyhow , I'm gonna try tilting it today !
  9. What was the consistency like before any type of speed control ? @ms
  10. I expected my brand new prostar to have some kinks. So much so that I had a buddy keep his boat at my house for a back up. I have 190 hours since March 2017 and only issue is I've had was the loose screen. Haven't lost use of boat.
  11. They are asking 150. Think ing offering 100. Are they worth that ?
  12. Saw them posted on Facebook. Look interesting. Are they old jumpers or regular combos?
  13. I think I want a pair of the popsicles. Look like fun . anyone try these ?
  14. The follow up from MC and dealer has been great. We have a solution and I'm sure it will solve the problem.
  15. I don't have a recent pic. Obviously taken in the winter , notice the temp. You can see on the right how the opening was cut big. Not sure if it's supposed to be that way. The other side which you can't see is cut big along the side. So what is happening is there is not enough meat left on the opening to keep the screen up . it doesn't matter how tight those tabs get . initially only happened on a bumpy road. It would stay on place on our lake. But now that it has fallen so many times , what was left of the opening has worn down. So now it even falls changing setting. Waiting to hear back from MC. Have an appt at dealer next week. But dont want it sitting there while they scratch heads to find a solution. Last week's of season !
  16. That's awesome. I have not had much luck getting my kids into it. My 10 yr daughter kneeboards some and tubes too much. My son wakeboard some and occasionally two ski. Bribed them both that if by end of summer they could attempt the course on one ski , I would buy them each a quad. They were gung ho for about a week and have almost given up and gone back to the easy stuff.
  17. It looks like the opening is hand cut . Someone there needs a lesson on following measurements apparently!
  18. I figured out the problem. At least pretty sure . The opening was cut too big and the screen does not have enough meat to sandwich in and tighten. That's why no matter how tight I get it, the screen eventually falls back. Have a call in to MC too see how they can find a fix. If anyone has a temp fix please let me know. Dealer can't see it till next week.
  19. @Horton sounding off hoping the fix is permanent. Tightening those tabs won't fix at this point. It's completely worn out. Also just venting as it made a tough day yesterdat with panicking kids. Large lake rough water , screen kept falling back. I was concerned it would fall out completely and shutting down boat. Was having to balance driving and holding screen. Meanwhile rough water would bump throttle. It was quite the multitask.
  20. Really irratted with this screen issue. I haven't been able to get it to the dealer to fix it due lack of time/ need the boat. I did what they suggested but it only helped for a bit. Even had to use ducktape to keep in place. Now nothing works. Constantly falls back. Thought about glueing it in to get me by the weekend. But that would be a mess. It does ok on our ski lake. But trailering or any bumps on open water it's falls. Hope dealer can permantly fix it. The opening is trashed now from falling out so many times.
  21. 6 acres ! Anytime left to ski having to take care of it ? Lol
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