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Everything posted by LoopSki

  1. This is pretty much it as our weather sucks.
  2. Here was mine but open bow. So many great memories.
  3. I finally found some ! Staples had a bunch. I'm good till May.
  4. A new frame is about $700. Any hope to repair? I'm a dummy and didn't take down before backing into garage. Got nothing else to do , so I'll try it.
  5. Sunset Ranch had one as a back up boat. Heard it was pretty good but fugly .
  6. @ral how is the virus situation in Chile?
  7. Not really, I think a tower would make my prostar more versatile than the drive config. It would be interesting tho
  8. I feel bad for all the out of work strippers
  9. I'll add another as it was such a nice evening last night. We are in Sacramento Ca ish.
  10. I want one too, but it's so crazy expensive
  11. It's amazing how many business are essential all of a sudden! I know everyone needs to make a living, but if people don't listen, this will just last longer. I'm doing my part and staying home other than grocery and booze. Alot of people will get it , let's just not get it all at once as to not overwhelm. I actually think I already had it back in Jan. Came back from a convention in Vegas with over 40000 attendees and half from China. When I returned home I had all the same symptoms. I hope I can't get it twice !
  12. 214V has a weird layout . If your gonna get a drive your going to want the wrap around seating
  13. Title kinda suggests skiing while infected with covid19
  14. Well thats all she wrote folks. Luckily I have a lake behind the house to jump in .
  15. My son and I made the best of it yesterday as we are now shelter in place. Hoping to find gas today to keep the prostar going.
  16. I think the first industry to be effected is the hospitality industry as restaurants, bars etc are closing or gone to curb side. Next is my industry which is home improvement as we already see lots of cancellations and no one wanting to start a new project. Next has to be the toys. As I have already told the family no spending on non essential purchases. I gotta think boat , skis , tournament participations and ski club memberships will decline. The whole situation sucks and I thought this was all a joke couple weeks ago and thinking it would blow over in a few weeks days ago. Now everyday it's a new day of uncertainty. Hope we can weather the storm!
  17. @BraceMaker thanks for answering my question.
  18. Well if it comes down to getting quarantine at home, all I'm stock piling is beer , top ramen and gas so I can ski.
  19. @MDB1056 I believe there is a fix , but been too busy to take it in. Normally a none issue , but just was not prepared today.
  20. I pulled storage bin , stood on trailer and shook boat. Could hear gas swishing around. Probably would have been fine. Too late now. On the water that probably wouldn't work. Oh well next time. Still early in the season. Bummer as I have hernia surgery in two weeks and no skiing for 6 weeks after that. I will just have to fill it soon. Pain with gas cans as my boat rarely leaves my house.
  21. Didnt expect it to be so nice today and was not prepared to ski. Since I don't remember how much I had end of season and all gas cans empty , I had to call it a no go. Don't feel like swimming in. Anyone figure out how to check level? For those that don't know the 2017 prostar gauge is no bueno. It is pegging out at past full. Can't use stick, and tank is too dark for visual.
  22. @cougfan a cheaper alternative than thr goode balls is to use two liter soda bottles with glow sticks. not sure how safe it is . a ski club i belonged to did this once a year.
  23. don't paint it and ruin it. ill take it off your hands
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