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Everything posted by keithh2oskier

  1. @6balls if I sell its because we are getting out of the sport. Still TBD at this point. Just kicking the idea around.
  2. Contemplating selling my 02 196 at the end of the season. I have pulled some big guys and it got them up fine (although with full throttle). Hours are low (350) and it has Stargazer/zbox. It's in overall great condition but the only downsides are it has the little 5.0 and the trailer fenders are a little banged up but is in otherwise good usable condition. With the smaller engine and trailer, what do you think would be a reasonable price to list? Located in Sacto CA
  3. Most definitely. Who doesn't have a working email account
  4. @skihacker my Dodge Ram with the 4.7 can handle up to e85 so I assume e15 would be no issues in that engine from a reliability/performance perspective. I assume vehicles with one of these decals can run ethanol with no problems. I never use E85 because like others said, while it is cheaper, my already poor mileage decreases and it costs me more per mile to run.
  5. When I replaced mine, I also dropped the rudder and it had a dried coat of old grease that I cleaned off then added a light film of waterproof grease. Made it turn like butter. Since its essentially like a 15 min job, I have do it every other year or so.
  6. While not a bubble butt, I dislocated my shoulder fishing the cable on my 02 196. It was generally a pretty easy process. One trick I learned was when you remove the old one, tie a rope to the rudder end and as you pull the cable out, it brings the rope with it. Then as you swap with the new one and use the rope to help pull the cable back through. Also a 2nd hand will make it easier as well.
  7. 100 buoys? That's a lot of passes. I did 60 buoys my first day a few weeks ago. (10 passes of my opener) and I still feel like I was hit by a truck.
  8. I think I remember on the spraymakers podcast they said there really is no reason to not practice your gate everytime. That being said, I am not a smart man and don't do alot of thinkin'.
  9. It starts about 1 minute in. Apparently Dave thinks he is the top 1% of waterskiers. Anybody ever see him ski? Maybe he can put his money where his mouth is.
  10. @MISkier. For #3, do you mean 95 and older? We had a 94 205. At a moderate head wind, you got spray at 22-28 off.
  11. @jas1068 I think I have an older white with black trim with a nautique logo. It's a multidisplay. The display was starting to get harder to see so I replaced with new but its still fully functional.
  12. Do you have a picture of your dock space? Most of the ski clubs I have been to have a railing with pegs can work to hold the skis vertically and also can be used to hang ropes, vests, etc over. I have also seen horizontal A frame style but I don't like that as much as whoever is on bottom has everyone's wet gear dripping down on theirs. FYI there is a Connelly ad to the left as I type this that is the vertical storage that I am thinking of.
  13. @Horton as a fellow Californian. Last year we started getting the itch. We haven't been to NC in years but wanted to travel in 2022 to check it out. Asheville was one of the first places we looked just scoping properties online. I didn't find much in terms of ski lakes but I did notice while the housing was cheaper, the schools didn't seems to be as good as they were further towards the coast. I started to do more research on the Charlotte area. More skiing availability, better schools, but pricier. I did like the idea of being closer to the mountain in western NC though. Tough choice. Not leaving CA... thats the easy part, but where to go from there.
  14. @liquid d no more fowl rerides to worry about.
  15. Not sure how it would improve your skiing to know a peak pull. There would be almost no consistency between different people as an individuals size and strength could have significant differences.
  16. @TonyLightfoot might know. I think TWBC has the line tension on some of their recent broadcasts.
  17. I also noticed they do this to their handles.
  18. Agree. So if nate goes and runs a 10, then we are right back where we started.
  19. I have skied in wind like what Horton has and it's pretty much worthless. I may be able to go and run my opener but I ski so tentatively that I make way more bad habits then I would otherwise. However if you have a trick ski....
  20. What's interesting is on their website, they only have a LFF option for 34 mph
  21. @bigtex2011 I second the sweve tracker app. you can track your fin and boot settings, along with your sets. pretty convenient.
  22. Maybe swing by the hardware store and see if you can find a 1" piece of aluminum square stock or something that could work.
  23. I do like the swerve tracker app and this is the first full season I have tracked my skiing. I did take about 6 weeks off in mid july due to ski site issues. My goal at this point is to try and shoot for 50 sets next year. 2021 35 sets 201 passes taken 1049 buoys * 55 22's ran (100%) * 77 28's ran (98%) * 31 32's ran (75%) * 1 35 ran (with a weave)
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