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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. I thought it would be cool to ride with Chad Scott...after this article...no way! :)
  2. I don't know if anything will come of it...but if someone is looking to sell high...it would seem this is the time to do it.
  3. @Bruce_Butterfield Maybe that was the issue...those settings didn't work in Perfect Pass :)
  4. Let's do a safety check on this thread.... As someone else said...cable is dead. The future really is in on-line, so the question is how do you get more people to watch what we have...not change to someone else. I really believe TWBC is putting out and awesome product and is going to continue to improve it. I think if you want to grow the broadcast you have to delve a little more into the human interest side (ala Allie Nicholson and the nursing aspect, Elizabeth Montavon and the way she has transformed herself through hard work, Whitney and Paige, etc) and you have to get way more technical on the replays and break it down the way a football announcer would with a Terry Winter drawing on the screen, a boat driver replay, behind the scenes with gear setup and manufacturing...there are just so may places they can take this so that you don't have to be a hardcore skier to 'get it'. Some is really low hanging cheap fruit, others are obviously more money. As I said though, this is the future and they are building something awesome!
  5. There was an article about it I read about a month ago...the gist of it was...WAIT...YOU ACTUALLY TOOK THIS ON THE WATER?!?! It is REALLY not meant to go IN the water!
  6. This is cool and all...but I really want to see how they land the jumps off the ramp.
  7. My Gekko is tough because of the droop nose. I now back the trailer in and then pull it back out until the tips of the front bunks show. Works pretty well.
  8. I don't think the sport is even at a point to discuss reaching out to specific communities. I think we need to take pass the handle very seriously. The Nipmuc waterski club, Holland (aquariders) ski team, and Webster Waterski Collective all host learn to ski days. Put the handle in the hand and go from there.
  9. I created a facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/6D7SlakNg Would love to get as many people involved as possible either in person or virtually.
  10. December 5th isn't a day I like to remember, it is the day we lost my Mom to glioblastoma, a very aggressive and currently incurable form of brain cancer. Thanks to #WeAreWaterSki, #pointbreeze, #ispyfti, #wachusett, and #websterwaterskicollective we are putting on an event to benefit the National Brain Tumor Society. The event is called #SWATERSKI where we will start at Webster Lake for a December Waterski, and then make our way up to Wachusett Mountain for a little night skiing. Are you a waterskier? Consider joining us. If you aren't, please consider sponsoring a skier (and yes, wakeboarders and other watersports are encouraged to join us). Not local to the area? Send in a donation and a pic/ video and join in the fun! Finally, this is the part where I ask...if you are a friend of family member, please consider a sponsoring Christina Bandy Menard, Keith Menard, or Liam Menard as we embark on this chilly adventure Sponsorship starts at only $25. Live in New England? Come by Point Breeze on December 5th and have some fun with us! https://websterwaterski.org/events/swaterski-snow-water-ski-on-december-5th-to-fight-cancer/
  11. My son and I had this argument while watching the tournament the other day...he says...see how much more sense that makes? You go from 20 meters to 15 meters (or whateverthehellitis) and I was like NO...41 Off sounds so much better! Bigger numbers are more impressive!
  12. I have been chasing the ball times on perfect pass for two seasons at 32mph. Damned metric system, it's like 6th grade all over again! :)
  13. I have noticed the 32 and 30 times are way off on my boat placard compared to the times on USA Waterski site...did something change, or am I reading something wrong?
  14. @Than_Bogan Exactly how I watched it...do a few chores...watch some skiing...do a few more...watch some skiing. I didn't finish until about 9pm, but it was a GREAT way to watch!
  15. One camera request during downtime would be a driver angle. There was a ton of times they would show Peggy before a run and maybe it is just the slalom geek in me, but I wanted to see her drive it with one of the hard pullers to see how she had to handle it from the drivers perspective.
  16. Was just coming to chime in...best webcast yet, and an awesome competition. I can say that I would never want to be swimming up to the dock with Wade there though if I didn't ski well :)
  17. I was going to upload one for my son...but...yup...droid :(
  18. @vtmecheng Best purchase I have ever made! Ice cream headaches are the worst! @Rednucleus The Camaro shorts were just enough to keep me from being able to donate at a fertility clinic after skiing, and no effect on any moving body parts. Was pretty psyched about the combo.
  19. PROBABLY not going to have Stokes call me up and ask to put me in any ads...but, I have a pair of Camaro shorts on under my Stokes 3/4... 58 degree water temp and still warm enough to ski in.
  20. My old jetboat had the best wake....but with no fins, pylon or prop, you can ski-steer it anyway you want to go. I did enjoy the jet ski exterminator feature though :)
  21. About 4 years ago, I lost my Mom to brain cancer (glioblastoma for those of you unfortunate enough to know the lingo). This year, my Aunt, the woman who taught be how to ski is entering the last stage of her fight with cancer, and I am watching as a member of my community is also fighting glioblastoma. On the day my Mom passed, December 5th, I am looking to do the waterskiers version of a polar plunge...taking my boat out of storage, dropping it in Webster lake and having people make donations for a run and some smores afterwards. I figure I will need a dock to borrow, and the club I ski with has given me tentative approval to use their property. Rightly so, they want to know what happens if someone is hurt. Is this something I can set up through USA Waterski? Basically, I am looking for some advice and input if anyone has some. Thank you!
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