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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. I hit search tempest last night and hopefully found a winner...ski school boat, Gekko GTO-22, lot of hours, but very well cared for, and a fair price. Going to check it out this weekend!
  2. I am just curious how most of you came upon your ski boat. Craigslist? Boat Dealer? Personal ad? I am considering looking for an 03ish Malibu Lxi and just wondering how all of you began your search?
  3. I put a little strap on mine and put it over my boot so if it does fly off, it will still be attached.
  4. I should know this by now, but where is it located?
  5. Any chance I could just squat there :)
  6. Funny...after I broke my leg skiing (my second break, the first was getting hit by a car riding a bicycle)...I swore off the sport...the stupid clunky boots, always being cold. Done. My wife told me I needed to find a winter sport or go live outside, so my brother said...try snowboarding. SNOWBOARDING? NO WAY...Those guys are the worst people in the world! Finally I relented and the first time I had a heal side glide on the snow, I was hooked. It was the closest feeling I had to holding an edge on my slalom ski. So, no I am one of those worst people in the world. Who is now looking forward to waterski season! https://goo.gl/photos/GfBS4iPXJZRZsaeP8
  7. They do if you zip tie a cut up noodle around it.
  8. I ski with them often...great family. I was bummed we couldn't get together for a winter ski this year.
  9. I ski Wallum a lot actually. My boat is kind of hard to miss :) The people on the lake are pretty divided between THAT THING IS AWESOME...and I WANT TO THROW ROCKS AT YOU!. I am also part of a ski club in Webster. Wallum doesn't have a course, and Websters looks more like an obstacle course than a straight line :( I joined INT last season and did my first tourny...I suck :)
  10. @slvrbulit Blackstone Valley.
  11. and I think I am down the road as well...heading up to the mountain for a last ski/board this weekend. Great winter season...but I am getting the itch!
  12. In AZ we always had the spotter put a flag up when a skier was in the water...I was amazed to find out the peoples republic of MA did not have a similar requirement. The lakes are smaller out here and I fear for my life with all the drivers who think they are supposed to look behind the boat rather than in front of it. A little warning that there is someone in the water always seemed like a good idea to me.
  13. The water was 32, the air was about 28. :) I used a very shallow fin setting.
  14. That does look nice, but probably for his next step up if he sticks with it.
  15. It looks like the Jr. Amigo is now the Jr. Vortex? My 8 year old 4 foot tall, 50lb son isn't quite ready to make the jump to slalom, but I am hopeful it will happen soon. I am trying to decide between the Jr. Vortex and the Jr. Celebrity.
  16. Maybe its because I am located on the east coast...but by the time you are done shipping, I have found better 'deals' buying new. I have got some nice Camaro products from Robby here, and my first decent ski on wakehouse closeout.
  17. @BraceMaker‌ after shipping, it would be more expensive to do ski-it-again.
  18. My 8 year old 50 pound soaking wet son is starting to get decent on 2 skis. He is already clamoring to be on one, probably because he sees me on it. I have a 3 year old daughter I will probably be getting into skiing next year, so I was thinking about something like this: http://www.overtons.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=OBrien-Jr-Celebrity-Combo-Water-Skis&i=763255&r=view&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlebase&s_kwcid=googlepla&cvsfa=2587&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=373633323535&gclid=CjwKEAjw68ufBRDt0Zmrn4W_8AwSJADcjp1cjZT-WbHlaL8oZCY3e4vNRJ3Jj4CDt89NUu0vKBUjihoCbbHw_wcB Any suggestions?
  19. I think Wakehouse still has some.
  20. Wow...you guys are really bumming me out. It sucks to lose a day...but man...tornados...blown out arms...I think I need to apologize to the waterski gods for whining about missing the glass!
  21. I have been here for a while...but logged in under my facebook account...sooo...I guess I am new now :) I think I was kmenard before. It is in Webster, MA. By the time my friend figured out the boat wouldn't start on the charger, it was already getting to be too late.
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