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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. @Than_Bogan I need to stop reading this stuff, I never worried about injury until I came here and saw all the Achilles injuries...now I am worried about ripping my sternum in half! It does explain why I need to 'pop' my sternum all the time though :)
  2. Maybe we should start a thread to kvetch about our nagging injuries :)
  3. @Obrienslalom I dont think I noticed because it is world's better than the p.o.s. That was the hero 3 :)
  4. Damn guys...sorry to hear that...especially 6ball, that doesn't sound good :(
  5. At least I had my new Hero 5 to capture its glory :)
  6. I know there are some generally accepted recommended settings other than stock, will those be incorporated? Thanks for putting the time into this!
  7. @keithh2oskier I miss college! I went to Arizona State (they just tore down my residence hall)...man I wish I knew about competitive waterskiing back then...but on the bright side, I got a LOT of free skiing at Powell.
  8. Firebird is the most corrosive water I have ever seen. It destroys boats and anything else it comes in contact with!
  9. you don't want to miss a ball heading toward land!
  10. 140 was the correct choice...thank you!
  11. I took the boat out for the first time this weekend, and while I haven't tried it in slalom mode yet, I did use it for some free skiing in wakeboard mode. It is a world better for consistent speeds! Looking forward to giving it a whirl in the course!
  12. Ordered some VIP...gets here on Thursday! Boat is getting the interior detailed...hope to have her wet this weekend!
  13. I will add...it isn't always the fisherman...we have this one group of skiers that comes and does donuts around the lake until the whole thing is trash. They even make a hard cut right in front of the course and send rollers down it. We have tried talking with them, thinking hey...these guys are slalom skiers with a tourney boat...they will understand. Nope. They want to do their thing and screw everyone else. So...I guess your chosen sport doesn't dictate how much of a d*ckhead you are.
  14. When you get little tear in your upholstery, what do you use to stop it from spreading?
  15. On Webster Lake our fishermen enjoy the sport of water skier fishing. When you are skiing they like to cast at you.
  16. Yes we are, no we are not :) Just changed the swimboard platform decals, new PTM mirror, cleaned up some wiring to the Perfect Pass, upgrade said perfect pass, cleaned up some wiring to the heater, replaced switch I broke while fixing wiring to said heater, changed the prop, tuned it up, had the impeller replaced, had a retractable dock cleat installed, and fueled it up......just in time for it to rain all weekend :) Hoping to get the interior detailed, and maybe the cover modified for the new cleat, then drop it in next week some time.
  17. If you don't mind a trip down to Webster, you are always welcome to join us!
  18. I am telling you...San Marcos is worth the visit for the food alone! LaFonda for Breakfast tacos, centerpoint station for kolaches, a little jaunt out to Kreuz or Coopers for Brisket...
  19. After watching my pride and joy do it's best impression of a submarine last year, I have changed a couple things... First, the boat. While I work on the Jet Boat, I have a 2002 Gekko GTO 22. Amazingly enough, it doesn't have much more free board than the Jet. Second, I now park bow out. I tie the back of the boat to the tow, but the middle of the boat, I tie off to the ski pylon, which then makes it a pain to put the cover on. Had anyone added a docking cleat to their boat? Looking for some advice on that.
  20. That is the issue...it is only a 3 wire paddlewheel...so it doesn't have the temp sensor.
  21. I just spoke with Mark Overbay and he recommended the 315. We will see what it does!
  22. I am wondering if that one has a crack forming too...might just need to bite the bullet and order one up.
  23. Coming from the jet boat world, I have NO idea how to read these things. I have a prop on there right now, but I think the wake can be better...It's a 2003 Gekko. Prop 1: Prop 2:
  24. I moved the power 'up stream' to the ignition, and the ground to one of the switches...seems to work perfectly now! Next up...putting on the right prop (and changing the heater switch that I broke cleaning up the wiring) Thanks all!
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