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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. Our ski club has expanded tremendously in the past couple years. We went from a club of about 20 people, with no USA Waterski affiliation, to a full blown club with about 70 members. We ski Mondays and Thursdays, and do clinics on Saturday and Sunday mornings. We have a jump and a 'slalom' course. All of this on a large public lake. Needless to say, the conditions aren't always the best, but the people are great. With ever more people leaning toward a specialty on the weekends like Show Skiing, jumping, or slalom, there has been some friendly friction about who gets time on the water and when. It all winds up being fruitless though when a wakeboard boat not affiliated with the club goes running straight through the course. After a Sunday morning 'chat' about water time, I came up with this :)
  2. Had my appointment today. Clean bill of health, a lecture on sun screen, and a total hotty that gave me the exam. If you haven't done yours yet...get in there!
  3. oh man...there is orange in that ski!?! That means if I buy one, my gloves would still match! I am feeling a tug on my wallet :)
  4. @Stevie Boy In Massachusetts...we don't mandate flags for a skier in the water. I have never been able to figure that out.
  5. I can honestly say if it weren't for INT I never would have skied a 'tournament' and probably wouldn't be hooked on chasing balls. The atmosphere was very friendly and helpful. I am bummed it fizled out in the northeast.
  6. We had a couple safety issues last year with straps not coming undone. I was thinking it is a good idea to keep a knife in the boat. Was wondering if anyone else does this/ recommends one.
  7. So, I found this stuff at Wal-mart while I was waiting for the VLP to be delivered: https://goo.gl/photos/ts5cDJAbCzCeyE1n6 I am REALLY impressed. It dries clear, and seems to be flexible. Will keep you posted as the season goes.
  8. I did the pvc pipe method with a cut noodle inside to absorb some vibration. It might get you by for a bit while you think about which one to get.
  9. I am really looking forward to the off season when one of you jamokes gets the upgrade bug and I can pick up a used Lithium :)
  10. @hemlock I wish!
  11. I really did just want people to see the 'gauges' on the Gopro, but I do appreciate the advice. You can probably tell, I am VERY hesitant on the gates because I haven't figured out when to pull, how hard, etc...which means, I am late everywhere else :)
  12. My first time in the course this year...my daughter woke up early to hang out with us :)
  13. I still haven't played with the FOV settings much (at all), but I thought you guys might be interested in the gauges. I am going to try and hook it up to my ski soon as I think that will be far more interesting than what the boat is doing. I thought a chesty might be cool too. Anyway, this is my first full pass @ 28mph, which is where I left off last season. Hoping to build on it from there! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvmBz28VhYM
  14. @Justin_C ...you beat me to it! :)
  15. @MichaelGoodman I think I skied on your lake with an NIT tournament a couple years ago...that was a nice boat too! The ski site is incredible!
  16. I am pretty close to Spencer if you need me to put a set of eyes on it. There was one I saw with the same colors that was the same year I think with a carbed engine. I thought that was pretty strange for a 2006, not sure if it's the same one.
  17. This thread is fascinating to me, my son tried LFF and struggled getting up. RFF...BAM, I fought him all last season to go back to LFF, and this may be one of those instances I have to go back to him and tell him his mother was wrong.
  18. I am about the LAST person to give skiing advice on this board...but if you 'pull' a little longer to second wake, you will notice a huge improvement. Pull to second wake, trust the glide. I repeat those words that were given to me by @Brooksy30 everytime I ski...now if I can just get my body to LISTEN!
  19. @jayski some of the advertisers like Masterline and (I think) Performance Ski) offer site specific codes. That is one way advertisers figure out where their marketing dollars are working, is by code redemption.
  20. I know we have a list of site advertisers and I try to check them out before I buy stuff...but is there also a list of BoS discounts with those advertisers?
  21. Dammit...this is so tempting...I told myself I wouldn't do anymore upgrades until after the season!
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