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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. YOUR ENGINE IS MISSING!?! WHO STOLE IT!?! Sorry, couldn't resist. You didn't mention that you changed your wires, have you done that? I would also get a temp gauge, run it for a little while and see if it is a specific cylinder or if it is more random than that.
  2. All the credit goes to the organizers at the club...I just happened to show up with a boat and a boom :)
  3. This really is just one of the best initiatives waterskiing has. I was a late call up because another boat had some boom issues, but was very happy to donate my boat (and boom to the cause). Our local ski club, Nipmuc Ski Club in Webster MA, took out 24 people with a wide range of ages on 3 boats to get a taste of waterskiing. Proud of my club, the organizers, and the drive to keep skiing alive! What did you do on #passthehandle day?
  4. @CoolSkiGuy I have the same engine in my Gekko, I will look at the temp next time out. I think it's this new ethanol crap...but man...let me tell you getting water out of the fuel cell is a b...i...t...c...h.
  5. This is the correct answer...hopefully someone else finds this thread quickly one day. I was shocked it didn't have a pin! Previous owner confirmed as well. What sucks is I didn't confirm until after my daughter lost interest.
  6. @CoolSkiGuy when I had that issue with my other boat it was water in the fuel
  7. Does anyone have one of these? It looks like the handle just slides into the receiver, but there is nothing to hold it in like a pin? https://photos.app.goo.gl/gEdVLd8VVlaWnthi2
  8. @Chef23 It is people like him that get people like me into the sport. A little hand holding goes a long way! :) I was on the shore with my 2 kids, I also ski with Randy, I tell him all the time that he is what I want to be when I grow up...in his 70s and still chasing...love it!
  9. @Texas6 Totally 'stole' the idea from someone else on this forum.
  10. I did a couple INT tournaments. I was very hesitant to do it, but Steve Garrity took my friend and I out before hand, showed us the ropes, and I found it to be a very supportive atmosphere. I was going to enter a tournament this weekend in Oakham, MA, but helping out a friend was more important, so I decided to go up as a spectator. I kick myself in the arse for not grabbing my ski as I would have had enough time to do both. My kids and I got to witness some great skiing. There was a positive, supportive atmosphere that I was worried would be lacking. Few reasons I found for why I WOULD do it: 1) People were really supportive, offering tips and encouragement...and a little good natured ribbing 2) My kids got to see other kids doing it, and I think that helps them say...ya...I could do that! 3) As a person who skis on a public course with 'varying' conditions, it is cool to get a pass on ideal conditions with a new boat. So, even though I am struggling to get my first 28mph pass at 40 years old...I would still happily drag my ass to a tournament.
  11. @Horton http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/3d/3dee76af81c016da6f42232783aebb66ed996518a1ff2c26385b65460edd3a0c.jpg
  12. I am with Suze on this one...2013 tech is already old school! :)
  13. I have a Gekko which I am very fond of...but while skiing this weekend came across this boat. Gorgeous! Don't know who owns it, but thought it should be up here.
  14. @oldjeep 'found' an underwater island
  15. This is my friend Randy...at over 70, he is what I want to be when I grow up. Really liked this pond in CT!
  16. For me, I called Gekko and they said they had a lot of good luck with the 515. I gave it a try and while it doesn't pull QUITE as hard out of the hole at the 525, I felt like it softened the wake a bit, which was a good trade off for me. I did use my single use depth finder this weekend though and have another 515 being shipped out.
  17. @DmaxJC_ski, I was trying to get a picture of my wife doing the interior and was emphatically told no :)
  18. I enjoy watching her ski more so than any other skier. I think because at 5' 7" I find her more relatable than most others.
  19. Not bad for a public lake... just have to get up too damned early to see it!
  20. It was a good weekend, when both my wife and my son asked to ski! Then I 'taught' my wife how to drive: watched a sun set: now I just need to convince this one to ski!
  21. Goes on nice and easy :) The exterior wax is nice, but the seat soap/saver is amazing. Leaves the vinyl feeling supple, clean, but not greasy.
  22. Just be blunt...tell her all the things she is doing wrong and lay out in detail how they can be fixed. While you are at it, try to help her with her off side turn and some pointers on sprucing up a couple of those bland meals. If doing this while in the boat, I suggest doing so while wearing a coast guard approved vest design to roll you over if unconscious in the water.
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