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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. Ok, look...seeing those Radar ads leave...gives me only one solution...you guys need new jobs! Bring back Black!
  2. We just did Rini's ski school in Mar...which means I wasn't in ski shape. 1 set day one, 2 sets day two...day 3 I wanted to ride a scooter around Disney. Our ski season doesn't start for a few more weeks, but I would say it was money well spent. My whole family improved a lot in a short amount of time. I think the hardest part is getting over the idea that you aren't good enough to be there. I took a clinic with @brooks a few years back and that's all I could think was...wow...I am a free skier who just doesn't belong...both Brooks and Rini made me feel the exact opposite by the end of set one. It always amazes me how awesome waterski people are...there is just very little pretense.
  3. @vtmecheng Seriously....the orange is just so sexy on this boat.
  4. @Jaypro I looked at that picture long and hard (are we still doing phrasing?) #archerreference
  5. @UWSkier That existed...Malibu invented it, but then had all the evidence destroyed...just like GM did to the electric car....Malibu uses GM engines...a coincidence? I. Think. Not. #fakeconspiracytheories
  6. The woman in the black bikini is missing a toe...I am returning my radar equipment.
  7. @UWSkier Just say 'remember when your butt looked like that?' You should have no problems after that...no bed to sleep in...but no problems.
  8. I agree with @Sethro ...that's the first place I would look.
  9. There is almost nothing in the world you could do to get me to do this.... Seriously...who the hell things fruit beer is a good idea? The skiing looks like fun though! :)
  10. Love the idea of the stuff that has been tried, every time I look at skis and snowboard I wonder...huh, I wonder when water skiing will try that? The one I am surprised hasn't made it over yet is the Burton Channel. Theoretically infinitely adjustable (kind of like the sequence plate) and pulls from deeper in the board.
  11. @scotchipman Just figured it out...BMW racing colors!
  12. I would have typed this faster...but the new Radar ads have me....distracted. I will take Hell No for a thousand Alex...
  13. @WoodySkier Denali is up next on my 'vehicles to test drive'. I really didn't like the interior of the Escalade nearly as much as I thought I would. It's like they half-assed everything rather than doing stuff the right way. 15 minutes with the CUE system and I wanted to smash it with a hammer.
  14. I live in Massachusetts...where they have a deal with auto dealers that they will put stuff on the road that will dissolve your Truck in return for Excise taxes or something. I have a trusty 2004 Denali, but after 200k, the body is starting to rot and its only a matter of time. So, I went out and looked at a 2016 Escalade today for shits and giggles. While I am looking at the new Escalades which seem to be priced around a new Nautique, I was wondering...which did you pay more for...your boat or your truck?
  15. I didn't know that :( My Mom passed away from Glioblastoma last year...I know what a hard bumpy road this is and hope you can still find a way to enjoy the sport you love.
  16. @Chef23 I would probably wear them until the water hits 80 :)
  17. Fair point...I use Radar boot in the front and Radar RTP
  18. As i am looking at MORE SNOW here in Mass. I am wondering if anyone uses wetsuit socks and if so...any recommendations?
  19. @Horton ...what @andjules said.
  20. If it was the armed version to take car of lake lice and surf boats I would be in
  21. Psshhh...I bet he drops a ski
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