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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. You all aren't mentally challenged...you just aren't very good....I can run 15 off at 26mph no matter WHAT fin is set at!
  2. I was really down on skiing in Massachusetts after getting to ski Rini's place. I am feeling much better about it now...thank you.
  3. @rockdog going to the same exact prop (I had v9 installed last year), I didn't think it would be an issue...also I haven't been able to get it into open water yet...out of storage and into a tight course. Again, the timing has been fine...just on the very fast end of acceptable. I will let you guys know how it works out after I get it into open water.
  4. @BraceMaker The times seemed to be consistently fast...when I went in to practice mode and dropped it by about 1/2 mph it was dead on. To be fair, I have not done the autocal this season, but the only thing I changed was the belt and prop (same one) Stargazer = yes Zbox = No
  5. @wawaskr That really is a great tag line :)
  6. I have version 9...and used it for the first time this weekend with people who actually care about the timing. Mapped the course, and everything seemed fine except we kept coming out on the very fast side of tolerance. The guys asked me if I could adjust that a bit and the best I could come up with was going to practice mode and decreasing the speed a tic. Is that the best way to do it?
  7. Have I mentioned how much I hate cancer and specifically Brain Cancer? I hope you can still remain involved in the sport some how. It sounds like your passion for it is very deep and you have much to pass on.
  8. Same here...I always run premium. I run it in my lawn equipment too...seems to have more staying power for engines that aren't used every day.
  9. @Orlando76 I would have loved to do that on my 04 Denali...that 6liter is just such a beast. 215,000 and still strong as an ox. Sadly, the body is succumbing to MA winters, so it's almost time to replace her. Now a supercharger on a 6.2liter....
  10. Lost my Mom to Glioblastoma just over a year ago and a half ago. @Horton Tank of gas sent! @Addieski Keep up the good work!
  11. My first 'real' pair of skis when I was a kid was a set of K2 KVC Comps. I loved those skis and kept them around in case one day I could figure out what to do with them. For my birthday my wife did a recreation of a photo I saw at Sunday River. I told her how much I loved it...and she asked...now can we get rid of them? :)
  12. Deckadence sounds kind of cool...I might have to see if anyone in MA installs it
  13. @dchristman Tom Brady is the GOAT...I think in this case it is appropriate to call Regina the BOAT.
  14. I hate to say it... But... Outboard is a flat out disqualifier for me. I came from Jet boats and liked the lack of a prop... Now with direct drive... Well... At least the prop is under the boat... Outboard? Nope. I also don't like the way they pull on deep water starts. Otherwise, it is about balance... Fun to drive, more fun to ski behind, ample room for skis people and beverages
  15. Didn't she just sign with Radar last year?
  16. I skied behind one of these last year...not knowing what it was. Short private lake in CT. I asked the guy I was skiing with probably 3 times if he had it proped low because of the whole shot the thing had...he just grinned and said...nope. Finally he showed me the engine. The wake is awesome on that to boot. Great find!
  17. You really can't go wrong with a GM truck...the only critical thing I can say about them is they rust easily here in New England...but I think everything does with this toxic snow melting stew.
  18. Do you use the kayaks to get out to your boat? :) #yesiamjealous
  19. It's now a protest thread...trying to get the good ads back
  20. My Mom had GBM...one of the things her physical therapist always said was each day do something, because it's always better to do something than nothing. Her and I walked arm in arm almost every day because she was largely unable to walk on her own. As you said...some days she really had to dig deep...her courage and strength inspired all of us who were there with her. Keep it up!
  21. @WoodySkier do the seats fold flat in that one? That was one of the few things I liked on the escalade...power flat rears.
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