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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. Following....to see if Than gets this boat so I can beg for a pull behind it :)
  2. @pregom You could have at least photoshopped out the rust on my truck :)
  3. @brooks and @perfski were able to customize a TRA package for my son. Yesterday he received it for his 12th birthday :) I think that is Totally Radar Awesome :) (and I couldn't have my son have a nicer kicker than me :) Thanks @brooks
  4. I got my wife that same Lyric...great ski for her!
  5. She is getting a new rear binding and sequence plate shortly :) I love how responsive it is. I feel like the ski is a coach...be balanced, apply tip pressure...ZOOM! Get on the back of the ski...it stops and lets you think about the mistake while the ball goes by :) I wish the coral were more orange or red so my gear would still match :) I am also a sucker for those windows...they look so cool...even if they do send water up your nose if you try to stand up too fast on deep water starts.
  6. We are looking at a Bernese...I wanted to name it Ballast. I was very quickly shot down.
  7. Can't wait to be able to by the new ARTP!!!
  8. Can't wait to be able to by the new ARTP!!!
  9. Cole @ Rinnis place drove and coached....excellent coaching for both my wife and I.
  10. I am by no means an example to follow...but I went from a Senate to a Vapor Pro Build during the mass 2018 upgrade and took advantage of the 2017 used ski pricing. It was like I didn't know how to ski (check out this gem) But precisely because it is less forgiving than my Senate (I never even knew what that meant until I jumped on the 66" Vapor from a 67" Senate) that I have had to work even harder on my form. You get instant feedback on the Vapor...rear pressure? Oh...that's ok Mr. skier guy, I am just going to stop and let you figure out what you did wrong while you gather all that slack that is about to go away. Balanced on the ski and good tip pressure in the turn? REV UP THAT ENGINE, WE ARE GOING FOR A RIDE!
  11. With all the busted skis I have been seeing on here lately...we should do a tournament with shade tree mechanic repaired skis. Prizes for most balls before the ski sinks, most creative repair, and best costume (I might be reaching here)
  12. @DaveD Guilty. It was one of the few times we had the lake to ourselves since it was fall. We each took turns skiing/boarding with a shark head on. Not something I would do with other boats around...but still no excuse either.
  13. @Chef23 I rotate...whichever color gets me the best run stays for a while :)
  14. Love mine...I always try to be careful when lowering it because I don't want to break the windshield, but it doesn't vibrate...it's great.
  15. I am with @Chef23 , except I don't find the flotation great. Still a damn fine vest and very slimming
  16. First one of the day is the longest...none are as quick as my ski partners boat
  17. One of my ski buddies upgraded to 9.12 from a pre-star gazer system. I am at 9.0 and the course times can be a little sketchy and the lock time is: https://photos.app.goo.gl/CtvPSctz1krzhWhj7 Is that normal?
  18. I really do think this is a great thread...for years I always thought of this forum as the playground of 36 and short line :)
  19. I did a session with Brooks a bunch of years back (trust the glide!), but I struggled to get time on a good course. We could wake up at the crack of dawn and still have some jackwagon ski through the middle of it. This winter I took 3 sets at Matt Rini's school (arms straight...no...straighter) and this summer I was lucky enough to be taken in by some great skiers and people. This weekend I got my PB of 5 balls @ 32mph, -15. I set a goal this year of a full pass at 34mph....not quite realizing how hard (or fast) that might be :) Going back to Orlando in a couple weeks for a few more sets with Cole @ Rinis place...We will see....but I tell you I was over the moon when I came around 5 ball...struggling at 26 the beginning of the season...it felt great!
  20. I have a pair of the orange Boa Radar gloves...I am looking at them wondering how much longer they are going to last and kicking myself for not buying a lifetime supply.
  21. I am right around your weight and went to the 66" 2017 Vapor. It takes some getting used to not having all that board under you....finding a new center of gravity...and it being slightly more difficult to get up on....oh but man...when you give it the tip pressure she wants it feels like you are on rails!
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