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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. @blakeyates I layer many camaro wetsuits at 53 degrees :)
  2. @MichaelGoodman @Chef23 I live one town over from Uxbridge and have been looking for that mystery pond that used to have a course for years with no luck. I see it on google maps now.
  3. @ALPJr As long as we ski with unicorns, we always have a chance...
  4. It's funny...I actually had a dream about a year ago that this existed
  5. Made a donation today...hope we can get some more!
  6. I use an ARTP in the rear and Vapor boot in the front. My rear foot gets one of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075XM68GS/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My front foot I use one without the traction on the bottom. So far, that has worked great. The shower before and after doesn't hurt.
  7. I now have BOA on my ARTP, Vapor Boot, and my old gloves...man I wish I bought 2 pairs of those!
  8. The only thing I can say is I got my son the TRA and every time I look at that ski I am amazed HOW much ski you get for your money. It is really impressive.
  9. I will chime in as a 2017 owner...I went from an older 67" Senate to a 66" Pro...this ski will kill you for bad form. On my Senate I could put pressure on the back foot and it would still turn. This 2017? The ski just stops. Now that I have a full season on the ski and am finally getting the pressure on the front I went from not being able to ski the course at 28mph to just getting a PB of 5 balls at 34mph in 59 degree water. The thing I like about the Vapor is that it is a great teaching tool...at least the 2017...it will show you your mistakes so you can improve. Build your form and the turn will come.
  10. @Chef23 ...the season is just starting! :)
  11. It's like when you break up with your girlfriend, but still keep the picture of the two of you at prom :)
  12. Thankfully we had @pregom with us as the new thermometer I put in only read Celsius :) When is the rest of the world going to understand the superiority of the Imperial measurement system?!?
  13. I think we were about the 56 mark today. I tied my PB...and only lost 3 fingers to frost bite....worth it!
  14. I am a set it and forget it kind of guy. I have everything set on my 2017 66" vapor pro to factory recommended except I have the bindings moved about an 1/8 forward. Now that the water is getting cold, should I tweak the fin?
  15. @Mike Gile I have a standing appointment on Tuesdays :)
  16. I found an oddball thing Camaro made for LL Bean...it was a wetsuit jacket with rubber arms. I like it because it keeps the arms nice and flexible...as opposed to my Camaro wetsuit shirt which feels like trying to stretch out a training band.
  17. my gloves are completely unbuckled and my vest is flipped up
  18. I think my 'best' (worst) falls come when the water temp gets below 60. I had a couple good ones this weekend. In honor of that...complete this sentence: I know I had a really hard fall when......
  19. ok...it is all installed. Word of advice for anyone without a boat with a cubby...the lines ain't long enough! Heatercraft will make up longer lines for you, and have you send back the ones you have and charge the difference...but ain't nobody got time for that. All in all, I like the way it came out and I got to learn some stuff about how the panels come out of the boat to run wires and hoses. I still need to get a strainer on the hot side, but having trouble turning it into double 3/8 barbs. Time to clean up!
  20. @Zman Ya...make sure you budget in that trip...you will be surprised how much you will spend (and the awesome service you will get) at Perf Ski. They also work with some of the local ski schools with some discounts.
  21. I got a sleeve with the fin protector, put it in a padded bag...put it in a snowboard bag...filled the void with clothes and stuff. https://www.facebook.com/Matt-RInis-Waterski-School-434596836690050/
  22. I can't comment on the others as Rini's is the only place we have gone. We did Disney and ski school. Cole and Matt were both very good with the kids, and almost more importantly...with my wife. It isn't a place where you are going to hang out and do much more than ski...but if you are looking for a laid back atmosphere with good coaching and no gators...I was very happy.
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