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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. Someone needs to do a straightpipe for comparison :)
  2. @Wish It did soften the wake and it is on my boat. Alpjr is one of the smoothest skiers I know, so I am not sure he would feel the wake behind a tug boat, but I will say I enjoy skiing behind it and really love the boat. No prop is going to make it a brand new boat, but it is really hard to beat the value of a Gekko.
  3. Mark recommended the Acme 515
  4. Mark gave me a recommendation and I find with low weight in the boat (fuel & crew) the wake is still firm, but small. I will look it up when I get to work. I tried to email Mark a few weeks ago but couldn't get in touch with him. I have the GTO, and once people get a few sets on it people tend to like it.
  5. I tested that theory with a good skier today...
  6. That's the weird thing..light skier or normal skier...all within .01
  7. I have 9.2 and I can say the lock is MUUUUCH smoother over 9.0...but what I have been getting is fast times. This was one I got some pics of: The times are all within .01 of each other...but they are consistently fast. Any settings I should tweak?
  8. Over the Front IPA...but only if it is 8% or higher
  9. I have a jetboat with a 540 cubic inch Chevy. Some A-hole in a surf boat sunk it a couple years ago and I haven't gotten around to fixing it...I love the sound, my family on the other hand MUCH prefers our Gekko...something about being able to have a conversation...like you can't do that on land or when a skier is getting in the water? I have a Denali with a 6.2, and one of the things I like is that the sound is the best of both worlds...rumble at idle, but quiet in the cabin and a little noise when you step on the loud pedal. Personally, if I had a newer ski boat with a 6.2, I wouldn't mind a little sumpin if I was on a public lake.
  10. @2Valve My #1 is Coffee Tody cold brew, my #2 is pour over, my...oh my god I don't have any coffee is McD's...my I can't believe anyone drinks this swill, no wonder people put 18 sugars and 6 creams in it and we have an obesity problem in America...is Dunkin.
  11. @Orlando76 Not all of us live in the land of 12month waterskiing, 24 hour news station fodder, snakes, and aligators. :)
  12. McD's coffee is one of the best kept secrets around. SOOOOO much better than many coffees you will pay 5 times as much for.
  13. Ok...everyone post something here...process of elimination :)
  14. That's awesome...this is one skill (of the many) I haven't gotten down yet.
  15. @ski6jones I didn't know you could still get lobotomies :)
  16. @mfjaegersr I usually just look at the pictures until we get to something Slalom :)
  17. Can USA Waterski not afford a proof reader? It made the gate article in waterskier magazine almost unreadable.
  18. I haven't tried it since I upgraded to 9.2. I will let you know if it changed anything. The first lock is usually the longest...I don't know if it's because I trailer or the puck is old.
  19. I would say it is a blemish...until you look at the last picture...it looks like something hit the bottom.
  20. With all the new accessories I have added to the boat, I would get resets at idle or key on. When I first got the boat, the wiring was really half-assed. I had tried the suggestion of doing a dedicated ground, and that helped a lot, but still wasn't the answer. This morning I finally ran a main line right from the battery and into a relay...so far so good! I know some other people have this issue sometimes. For me the answer was dedicated power and ground. Now I just have to wire up that temp sensor :)
  21. I consider my 2017 a great trainer. Balanced on the ski? Turns like sports car! Get on the rear? Will stop dead like a Chevy Vega.
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