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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. The vest has done exactly what it is supposed to...take the impact from my crappy skiing. A few of the pads have gotten twisted in those falls though. Is there any way to put them back into shape...or is it time to tell the wife I need more stuff?
  2. @ScotChipman1 I was wondering the same thing...the 6.0 I have in my 04 Denali was an AWESOME engine...but the 6.2 I have in my new Denali is head and shoulders above it.
  3. @jercrane I was looking at that too thinking...huh...didn't think there was anything wrong with that!
  4. First thing I always do is pull a spark plug and test for spark. Air, Fuel, Spark...but you are already doing that :)
  5. I have tried all the trouble shooting to get 32 to run right...34...dead on...36....dead on...32, no dice...inverted, standard calibrated, recalibrated, doesn;t matter. Went into practice mode today and dialed in 32.0, 17.93 on the nose over and over.
  6. The smartest thing Radar did was pack a ton of ski into a really awesome price. This kid will probably be Radar for life because of it.
  7. @Rednucleus My day job is motorcoaches...if they are using diesels with DEF, which I would be shocked if they weren't, they are pretty quiet, very clean, and expensive to maintain and repair.
  8. gps lock likely has nothing to do with the power issue. It is a known issue with the satellite database...you can send the puck to Perfect Pass and they will fix it. As for the loose wire...I chased that crap for about 3 seasons. This year I pulled a line straight from the battery (I previously made sure it had a GREAT ground)...it was WELL worth the few hours on my back (are we doing phrasing still?)
  9. @Stevie Boy I have been following this conversation from the sidelines. This comment isn't specific to USA Waterski...but usually organizations are more likely to look at something due to outside pressure, than from internal questions.
  10. @Dacon62 ....that article is what prompted the question...there was a lot about WHERE the handle should be, but not much on when it should be released. Over the past week or so, I have been replaying my runs in my head a lot (anyone else do this?) and I realized the handle was up around my shoulder on the release, so no matter what, I wasn't getting back into position to cross the wake or even finish my turn. I backed my speed down to 28 this week and just worked on getting the handle low for the turn and today I made all (ok, except one!) of my 32 passes. My ski partner also noticed I was tucking my non handle hand into my stomach, rather than getting it back. So, worked on a lot this weekend and going into the week at least feeling like I know how to ski...last week, I wasn't so sure. What Terry Winter video did you watch?
  11. Of course you haven't heard much...it's called the WHISPER fin :)
  12. The heated seats are great...but putting a towel of your feet and legs...shoving the heater hose up the towel? That makes those Massachusetts mornings pretty bearable.
  13. @alex38 but if they did throw it off a cliff....would it float?
  14. After an awesome opening 30mph pass, I kicked up to 32 and struggled to get 3 balls. I have been replaying it in my mind, and as @ALPJr keeps telling me, I need to hold the handle longer. I think that is what killed me today...cross wind through the course and I have a tendency, especially if I am early, to let the handle out really early. So when do you decide it's time to let go?
  15. @Than_Bogan Love my Camaro heater top! Shed the drysuit about a month ago though.
  16. Skied in just camaro shorts today...I was a little nervous about going sans heater shirt, but it wasn't that bad. Have you thought about growing a pair? :) Sincerely, The guy still trying to make his 32 pass consistently
  17. @Roger I still use a half inch socket on a 13MM head...just out of spite! :)
  18. @skihard 10 what? Oh...just 10's...cuz we said so! A foot is a historic measure derived from the king himself, not some random 'scientist'!
  19. a few years ago I did an INT tourny, it was so welcoming...so simple. Well, I talked my family into doing a mini vacation to Vermont for the Tom Costello Alan Rossi VT Champs. I thought...hey my wife and son can do the grass roots thing, get a couple runs in, we can get some great beer and I can run the... WTH!?! M4? OM? MM? GR? Class C? Oh, well, I am sure its easy to find the answer right? Let's see...rule book...page 8...ahh simple, I am an M4...but wait 'As to qualification for Open Men, Open Women and Masters divisions, see Rule 3.03. ' Ok...lets see, Rule 3.03....3.03 Elite Division Competition...ok, guess we can skip that. But what about grass roots, should I do that...hmmm... Scores for inclusion in the ranking list may be obtained in any sanctioned tournament, in any of the first three rounds (see Rule 1.02), or first four rounds (see Rule 1.09C). Exceptions include certain instances in elimination based competitions (see 13.02). A class F (Grass Roots) score above zero may be included in the Ranking calculations if it does not exceed the Level 5 Cut-Off Average from the previous Ski Year Rankings. Those class F scores which “exceed” the Level 5 Cut-Off Average from the previous Ski Year Rankings may be included but the score will be reduced to equal the Level 5 Cut Off Average for the purposes of inclusion in the Rankings calculations. Scores for inclusion in the ranking list cannot be obtained in a run-off of a tie. Performances accomplished at a multi-round tournament shall be credited as one tournament only. Wow...I...ummm...wow. I think I will just stick with the beer.
  20. @mfjaegersr We were arguing on the boat while waiting for others to get ready :)
  21. Whereas waterskiing was invented in America Whereas the imperial system is a superior standard of measurement WHY IS THE COURSE AND SPEEDS NATIVE METRIC!?!
  22. Another vote for In-Tow. I like it with the 'safety bar' woven into the handle. Brenda is also great to work with.
  23. @oldjeep yes they do...maybe they stopped with drive by wire, but my 02 fuel injected mag has it. Works great when you need a boost in shower pressure :)
  24. Even 9.0 was a little sketchy on locking in for speed...9.2 is NAILS.
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