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Everything posted by Keith_Menard

  1. I got a B&W 5" adjustable hide-away hitch for my 2018 Yukon Denali
  2. ...and you are close to the best bbq in the world...WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I USED TO GO TO SAN MARCOS ALL THE TIME!?!
  3. Thought I was on pornhub for a minute...
  4. Other than @powbmps you all are a bunch of amateurs.
  5. The misinformation in this thread is killing me...don't any of you have rotted teeth and type 2? It's KOOL-AID...with a K!
  6. I snowboard because it is the closest feeling I have found to waterskiing.
  7. Drysuit while driving? Does your brain not like oxygen? :)
  8. I have this love hate relationship with GoPro...I bought the Hero 3 black and felt like a beta tester it was so bad. Upgraded to the Hero 5 at some point, can't really use it for waterski coaching because at 15 off it is just too far away. I snowboard in the off season and my lord is the battery life AWFUL in the cold. Then there is that whole thing that i bought a few shares of their stock way back when and constantly watch the red ink in my portfolio...but... Has anyone tried out the 8 yet?
  9. I am LFF...always started with the rope to the left.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/keith.menard/videos/10159675510562524/
  11. Do you guys ever go higher up when replacing the engine?
  12. @cougfan what made you choose the nitro over the blue steel or others?
  13. I am in the same boat...the impact vest, I really liked it, and it has seen its fair share of impacts...but the stitching is coming undone, the pads are out of shape, and the thing weighs 50 pounds after a set. Why did you choose nitro over say the blue steel?
  14. @jercrane would love to see the schematic!
  15. @ForrestGump That letter was a joke in every sense of the word.
  16. Hmmm....Brady...likes Michigan Colors....lets get to the bottom of this... @Brady Do you like your turn balls inflated, or deflated?
  17. Can someone settle an argument between my ski buddy and me? How much is a full sinker course? The way I read it, you have to buy the wally course and then the wally sinker kit, he reads it as you just by the sinker kit... One of those is about $2500, the other way $5k... So who is right?
  18. No one notices the fingerless gloves? My Chiropractor would love her...but at the end of the day...whatever works for you
  19. I am certainly no moderator here...but do we really need to start a new thread every time it seems there is more to the story?
  20. Man...that boat hit after 1 ball...how did he hang on? OUCH!
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