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Everything posted by Amoore

  1. @ral excuse me. they are Connelly 2014 sidewinder bindings. Here is a link to an image of one of the boots. https://www.google.com/search?q=2014+connelly+sidewinder+bindings&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=5Qv&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ctDmUqfIFKrW2AWZhYDADQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg&biw=960&bih=428#facrc=_&imgrc=2OopT0dOitE9OM%253A%3BSjgUpON73SRhwM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn.shopify.com%252Fs%252Ffiles%252F1%252F0129%252F7452%252Fproducts%252Fconnelly_sidewinder_large.jpg%25253Fv%25253D1359065094%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wakesports.com%252Fcollections%252Fconnelly-bindings%3B480%3B367
  2. @ral i do have nove bindings for the ski, but when the arrived there was a tare in the neoprene lining. i have sent them back to Connolly to be replaced.
  3. @Horton I'm thinking about a new ski anywhere from $1200=$2000. i would like a ultralite world class style ski.
  4. @Horton lol i see what you mean. its all about what works for the individual skier. BTW its a mini van.
  5. @Horton thanks for the advice. Im looking at investing in a 190 American skier and i want to have equipment that can preform at my ski level. Do you have any recommendations on a ski that would be a good for competitive skiing?
  6. I do plan to skiing a buoy course. i weigh 180lb and i ski around 30-34mph. i have been skiing behind a 19ft Tahoe but i have gotten hooked up to ski with a guy that owns a mastercraft. when you ask where i do not know if you mean the lake or the location behind the boat. i have only recently gotten serious about slalom skiing.
  7. here is a link to the image of the Outlaw. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=590806537662939&set=pcb.590806644329595&type=1&theater
  8. Here is the link to the image of the XLP. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=590806580996268&set=pcb.590806644329595&type=1&theater
  9. Hello. My name is Anders and i have been water skiing for 5 years. I am a new member and i am trying to become more knowledgeable about water skiing and to immerse myself in the slalom ski culture. last year i bought a Connolly XLP 71in from a friend and became proficient on it over the 2013 ski season. I was told that this Connolly XLP is about 20 year old. As a result of heavy use i tore the front boot. I promptly replaced the front boot to finish out the season. By the end of the season i had torn the rear boot as well. I made the decision to buy a new ski for the next season instead of investing the value of a new ski into a 20 year old ski. with out much research or knowledge of ski styles, sizes or whats appropriate for my size and skill level i hastily bought a Connolly outlaw 67in. i have done further research now that i have received the ski. I am concerned that i have bought a shaped ski when i have spent the past year practicing on a traditional ski. As most know it has been far to cold to ski even with a wetsuit, so i have not had a chance to try out my Connolly outlaw. I am looking for advice from people experienced in different types of ski styles and sizes. Should i be patient, wait for the weather to warm up and ski on the outlaw, or should i return the outlaw and look for a traditional style ski? This is the Connolly XLP 71in. This is the Connolly outlaw 67in.
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