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Binding choice


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  • Baller

I'm wondering if bindings really make that much of a difference, or am I better off just practicing my technique...

Right now I am using vector boots, and am thinking of getting the vapour boots, would this be a pointless decision, or would there be any benefit in doing so..

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  • Baller

I think it depends on where you currently are with your technique. I’m not familiar with vector boots but I don’t see shortline skiers on them where I’m at so that could be a sign it has limitations as you progress. And it probably depends on what your goals are/how often you ski the course too. I have a brand new size 9 rff vapor id love to sell but once you get to the top line boots that are out there like the vapor, reflex, ho hardshell, tfactor a lot of it becomes personal preference and matching your style plus how it fits your foot. And what kind of release mechanism you feel best about. 

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  • Baller

@Ethan New bindings can be a much bigger change , than getting a new ski, go with what you have, maybe towards the end of the season change your bindings work with them, so that you are ready to go next season, concentrate on who is riding the ski, work on technique.

Upgraded Bindings will not bring instant success, success is defined by the person standing on the ski.

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  • Baller

spend the money on coaching and training.

Before we got all these different types of binding we could still ski 16m using a simple universal floppy bindings. 

I'm old and worn out and I can still run 16m using a HO Stance binding, so similar to the vectors (at 26mph, but the point i'm making is the same)


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  • Baller
10 hours ago, Ethan said:

I'm wondering if bindings really make that much of a difference, or am I better off just practicing my technique...

Right now I am using vector boots, and am thinking of getting the vapour boots, would this be a pointless decision, or would there be any benefit in doing so..

i just went from a front '19 Vector Boa to a '24 Vapor - the difference is amazing to me - i feel like the ski it so much easier to control.   The 1st 3 passes we ugly until i figured it out though but once I did it was amazed.

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  • Baller

Simple answer, bindings don't fix anything in your skiing. They may allow you to do some different things. An example based on body physiology: Your specific outward knee bend angle may need the freedom of a particular boot. As @Ski_Dad mentioned, the Vapor has EXCEPTIONAL connection to the ski and really transfers skier input very well, more so than I have felt in the Reflex, Syndicate, and any other in recent memory. Is that good? ...bad? up to the skier. 

The Vector is a great boot that really will carry you a long way. That said, I LOVE my Vapor

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  • Baller

Personally in my binding selection I look for something as safe as possible that allows me to ski without really thinking at all about my binding, how it feels, or that it’s even there. 

What that means for me is the binding does not prevent my dorsiflexion/plantarflexion degree of freedom and allows me to get leverage on top side(shoelace side) of binding. 


You can certainly make more progress using the vector, but I would say a proper fitting and setup vapor binding would give you noticeably better connection to the ski. 
In my mind radar makes vector for multiple people to be able to ski safe on same setup while the vapor is made for more serious skiiers who want a better fit and more dialed in setup. 

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