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Senate Ski Size Recommendation...


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Hi All--new to the forum.  I'm looking to purchase a Radar Senate at some point and I think I'm right in between the 65" and 67" in terms of sizing.  I'm an athletic 53 year old, 5'8" and about 164 lbs.  Radars recommended sizing for the 65" senate is up to 170lb and for the 67" 160-200lbs.  I currently ski on a 66" O'brien Conquer, mainly free-skiing with an occasional foray into the course.  I typically ski about 34mph.  I may have a line on a used 67" but don't want it to be too big.  Any advice would be appreciated.


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  • Baller

I was in the same situation, 160 lbs and couldn’t pass up a great deal on a 67 Senate Pro Build. Worked out great for me, as I’ve set a new PB of 2 @ 32 off but I only ski 32 mph. Very forgiving ski that has also improved my consistency and confidence.

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  • Baller

I tend to think longer skis are more comfortable.  Pretty easy to try both sizes though. 


By more comfortable I mean through the wakes the troughs seem less noticeable where as the shorter size seemedmore disrupted by the trough headed into the wakes a feeling I never got on 67s but had on 65.5 and 66

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  • Baller

I agree with the comments above.... but would typically ask what are you coming off of?  At a Boat speed of 34... I'd lean you towards a 65" to demo if you were coming to try one...but also wouldn't rule out a Vapor in 66".  Just set up one of our best customers with this after he'd tried the senates and then a vapor.   We have some screaming deals on 2023 Vapor Pro Builds right now if you want to do last years.  $800 off.   https://perfski.com/search?type=article%2Cpage%2Cproduct&q=2023*+Vapor*+Pro*+Build*


Also... 66" Senate isn't in the cards anytime soon...at least 2025 for sure.

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Thanks for all the input.  I would lean towards the 67 based on comments and at my age I'd probably choose comfort over performance, as I don't get to the course often.  Also a bit more surface area may assist deep water starts  which would be easier on my back.  That is one thing I like about my current ski (O'Brien Conquer) as it has a fairly wide front, and 2 foot deep waters are way easier than the prior ski which was a VERY old O'Brien TRC.

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