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Senate, Omni, or Union

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  • Baller

Will I be disappointed if I go from my current 2016 69 senate alloy which I love to a 71 union?  Tried a 69 omni wide and felt like I had much less drag which was nice but not quite as snappy as I like. Debating going 69 carbon omni wide. I really like my senate and would love to go to a 71 graphite senate but afraid I will feel like I am plowing still like I do with my current ski. Anybody with experience being 270 and skiing on a 71 senate? Boat speed would be 32 to 34 mph.  Also Any experience or input on the carbon omni and its skiability as well as going to a union. Just feel like that is a step backwards. 

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  • Baller

Nothing compares to the wider clean edge tail technology of the OMNI, makes it very easy to get up on as reduces drag. Look for a  2023 or older 69" Syndicate OMNI, they don't make the high end Syndicate version this year. 

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  • Baller

the newer senate is a little wider than your current ski - i don't see any issue on a 71" senate at 32 mph.    But even the Union is going to probably be as fast as your older senate.

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  • Baller

Thank you everyone. I have got the ski choice down. With deep water starts and ease of skiing the ski I am thinking 71 graphite. Am I right in thinking even tho I seldomly get into the course I do like to feel like I am "ripping" behind the boat. Figure with a 69 being rated up to 220 and a 71 being for 200 plus I will have 70 pounds to lose before a 71 becomes to big. Would I notice a huge difference in deep water starts if I went from a 2016 alloy senate to a new 69 graphite senate or best off in my decision of going 71?

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  • Baller

I’ve been researching the same skiis for a couple friends that want easier starts but still able to carve some turns. Looking at the current width specs, the 69 & 71” Senate have the same 7.37” width as well as 69 & 71” Union is 7.56”. A small increase in surface area with the 71” due to additional 2” length. The 71” seems a better fit for your weight.

 I recently switched to a 23 Senate Pro Build for slalom course skiing and I’m loving it! Added a full pass to my total buoys at 32 mph and easier starts compared to my narrower Goode XTR.


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  • Baller

I had a 2019 Senate Lithium 71 inch that I really liked until I was in scramble mode in the course.  This was at 255 lbs.  On Brooks' suggestion, I went to a 69, which works well for me at 34 MPH.  I think the 71 inch senate would be perfect for you, and if you lose some weight, drop down to a 69 as a present to yourself for losing the pounds.

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