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Reagan Horton injury

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So the news is out there that my little girl AKA Buford Danger broke her arm (radius and ulna) last weekend.

This was not a water ski related injury. We're not exactly sure what happened but she was on a trampoline and my best guess is she put her hand down as the trampoline was rebounding up.


She's having surgery Tuesday at Stanford to put a rod in both bones.

So if I seem a little hard to get a hold of or maybe a a lot grumpy, please understand I'm a little stressed. 


if anybody wants to send her a a get-well-soon stuffed animal or such, message me here on the forum and I'll give you the address. She could use all the cheering up possible.

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Get well soon Buford Danger!

Have them put on a waterproof cast.  Much nicer to just get it wet in the summer.  Give it a week or so and she can be back on a trick ski.  Easy to get up with one hand.  At least she can be doing something on the water.


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Tell her that Riley says hi and hopes that she feels better soon. She must be heart broken about missing nationals on her home turf. Oh well , we might get them again 🤷‍♂️ She can always start up her tubing clinics  🤣 Those kids had fun together .


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@Horton Sorry to hear about the injury.  She's about the same age as our oldest (who always enjoys the videos you make with her).  She broke her wrist last year and had to miss the remainder of her basketball season.  As a parent it's hard to watch their disappointment in missing the things they love.  Best of luck to her on a speedy recovery.

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same for my daughter. Reached down to stop a fall. Ended up having pins put in. Amazing how fast it healed. Hers will as well. 

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Not want you want ever, especially just as summer is kicking in. (it's the reason I won't have a trampoline at home and don't like the kids using others tbh, seen too many accidents)

4-6 months is not what I've seen others doing, it seems to heal quicker with the pins for stability, especially kids.

The best in most aspects of life suffered an incident at some point early in their career which defined their style, so you never know it might be a blessing in disguise and she'll develop her own style and become a 8k toe tricker by the end of the summer...

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So sorry to hear this! I did a similar thing back in 1984 when I was ten, swinging on  T shaped pole you use to hang a clothesline from.  Get well soon!  Love from Michigan.

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Bones heal very strong, and it will be just as strong next year, with no limitations...ps: trampolines have been fun, and dangerous forever. My son's trampoline arm break was about 9 years ago.

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  • Baller

Quite a bit of force for that break. 

Hang in there Danger, it seems like a very long time, but it will go faster than you think.  I've got a bunch of hardware in my leg--lost that season so I feel for you.    

Hang in there @horton.  It seems like a very long time, but it will go faster than you think.  

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in reply to comments above about "6 months off" i think the orthopedic is over managing our expectations. The bad news is that the rods in her arm need to come back out so that is another surgery and some additional recovery time.

CORRECTION 8 - 12 weeks +/-

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  • Baller

Had exactly the same injury when I was about 8 (fell off a climbing frame). Long time ago and no internal fixation in those days so spent weeks in old style plaster of paris.

No long term issues at all and kids recover so well from this sort of injury.  I'm sure she'll be fine

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  • Baller

Just 2 Oreos?  I don't think I've ever eaten just 2.  That seems like torture more than it will help healing and patient attitude.  I think Rea needs to have a heart to heart with her doctor.  

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