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Connelly Concept Binding Setup

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I have an older Connelly Concept ski that I believe the bindings are mounted too far forward.  The ski is a 68 and the  heel of the front binding is at 30.75".  The problem I'm having is getting pulled over the front of the ski when trying to get out of the hole.  This isn't a problem with other skis.  I haven't been able to find a chart that shows what to set the binding at.  Currently the front binding is a Stoker and the back is Pivot RTP.  The ski does not have pre-drilled holes, it was a blank.  I acquired the ski from an auction and have no idea how the previous owner decided to place the bindings.  If you have any help for what the factory setup would be I would appreciate it.


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  • Baller

That seems like a reasonable placement for a 68”.  What ski are you comparing it to in terms of the start issue?  

typically getting pulled over the front of the ski is an indication your trying to stand up too early.  Could be the concept has a narrower profile and you need to wait another second or two before trying to stand.

best way to confirm boot placement is once you up, pull out to the side and then glide, at which point the water should be breaking at the front of the binding.

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  • Baller

Strangely back in 2003 I got a concept and about drowned myself about 8 missed starts in a row.  Had been on a mapple siege.  I didn't change anything with the ski and got it sorted.  But that was a vividly bad experience. .  

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Thanks, Jmoski, that information was helpful.  I made a minor adjustment to the position of the boots and tried it again.  The advice to wait longer before standing up was the trick.  Once I was up it appeared that the water was breaking at about the right point.  I should be able to make additional adjustments from there if needed.

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