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Goode Powervest Tips

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  • Baller

I've had a pretty significant rotator cuff injury last fall. I started skiing this spring and noticed that I was putting a lot of stress on the shoulder so I decided to order a PV. I've skied with it a couple of times and it's apparent that the back plate needs to be molded. I found some info on that process on prior posts but I also found several broken links. For those of you using the PV what have you done to better fit the back plate. One of the main problems I find is that if feels too long and keeps me from arching my back. What have you done to trim or shape the bottom?

I also read about modifying how the gloves attach to the shoulder straps but could not find examples. For those that have modified them how do you do it?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Gold Member

The plates come in different sizes. The first one I had felt too long. You can drill new holes in it to lower it down. I would definitely heat mold it. That helped me quite a bit. For the gloves I took the dowel out. I know some have added a clip I just put my ski on first. There are quite a few users on this site I’m sure you’ll get a lot more good info. Good luck with the vest. 

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  • Industry Professional

Hi @skinut if you purchased the vest directly from Goode, feel free to reach out to us for help with the sizing of your vest! We're happy to help get the correct fit for you. You can email us at goode@goode.com or text us at 801-621-2300

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  • Baller
24 minutes ago, ToddK said:

@Goode Skis Most of what I am reading is the power vest helps with upper back issues. I have L5/S1 issues. Will the power vest support my lower back getting out of the water? 


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  • Gold Member

It’s been several years since I molded my Goode vest power plate. I broke my plate and need to mold another one. I was unable to find the old thread on this. From memory I believe I put aluminum foil on the oven rack and set the temperature at 200 then kept checking till it was soft and before melted. Then I slid it into the vest and had my wife wrap the outside with an ace bandage. Any input is appreciated. 

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