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  • Baller

I have always had a difficult time on selecting which size of ski to buy.I seem to be on the bubble most of the time and I know its a personal preference however its difficult to demo due to I usually buy used skis.As I get older its more difficult due to gaining weight and having a more difficult time getting rid of it.I was once told that the larger the ski the more balance you have or its easier to ski.I know that's the case with snow skiing however perhaps not with water.My ski season in this cold northern climate also makes it difficult to choose due to how short it is.Does the make of the ski make a difference and also the total surface area of the ski.It seems the new skis are different.Any comments would be helpful for an old dog struggling to find that perfect ski that makes it easier to ski.....

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  • Baller

Weight and speed both should be considered. Skiing slower speeds will require a larger ski to get the same lift and performance compared to a shorter ski at higher speeds. Also the conventional historical wisdom has always leaned towards skiing the longest ski you can easily turn. There is no one magic formula unfortunately as we can also point to amazing skiers who don't fit the mold such as Nate noting he gained a full pass when many years ago he went from a 66 to 67, and Freddie who rides a 66.   

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Remember that ski size/length is a arbitrary number.

As an example, when a ski companies designs a ski for  34 mph 160 - 200 lb skier they "call it a 67". The ski may or may not be literally 67" inches long but that is irrelevant. The ski is designed for that speed and weight range.  We all expect a length number to correspond to a weight range and it has become the standard. 

In reality the width of the ski and where the front binding is placed is critical but how long the ski is means very little. Take any ski you love and cut 3" off the tip and it will ski exactly the same. 

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