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XTR Team Review - Restart


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A number of factors have delayed and sidetracked the completion of the XTR Team review. We moved, I went down an odd path with fin settings and I have generally not had much quality skiing. So we are mostly moved in, I am skiing at the new lake and the review is back on track.


The last 2 times I skied I ran 38. Generally running 38 makes my happy but considering how wacky my skiing has been this year it is an even bigger deal. So bottom line is the ski works.


This ski gets high on the boat (wide) but it requires some physical effort. The flip side of this is that the ski always turns. It just turns. It never does not turn. It is a turning machine.


Current settings are curtesy of “Kevin the Person” ( @bishop8950 ) not to be confused with “Kevin the Dog”

2.470 / 6.885 /.72 / 9 ( tips and head of the caliper methods.)


More details to come soon.


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@BS74 I'm not against it but since it is a old model I don't know that Goode would want to invest in sending me one.
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@dirt XTR Team is the latest evolution of Nano 1. I have heard that N1 might have evolved from Mid but not sure that is true. Regardless of dimensional similarities the current ski does not ski a lot like the original N1.
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I just moved my front binding back 1/8" and the ski is for sure faster. I think this is one of those skis where you probably need to make some tiny moves forwards and backwards with a binding to find the sweet spot.


this might be a good time to remind everybody to get one of these... https://www.mikro-just.com/

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  • Baller
I just tried Hortons numbers today. I had my best two sets in over a year. If you are looking for a new ski the XTR team should certainly be on your shortlist. If you’re on an older XTR, you owe it to yourself to try this ski out. It is a truly an upgrade.
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also of interest.... today "Kevin the person" met "Kevin the dog". I was a little afraid this would create a rift in the space continuum but apparently there is a "Kevin Multiverse" so it was okay.
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@Not_The_Pug I haven't touched the fin. I'm exactly at "Kevin the person's" settings. I just moved my bindings back 1/8th. So now I'm about at 29 1/8"


It has occurred to me this should be a reminder to everyone that binding measurement is probably the least accurate thing we do. My bindings did not measure exactly the same as your bindings. In this case it is amazing how different the ski feels with that very small move

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  • Baller

I really like the XTR Team. Like Horton, I am having a less than ideal season due to life issues, but running lots of buoys for all the more I am skiing. Ski always turns and builds so well into the wakes. Now I just have to quit adding so I can enjoy the ride out to the next buoy.


My settings measured with a Goode slot caliper are 6.826, 2.742, 0.740, 9, 29.25.


I should have put @Horton fin in the same place, but I might also have put it in backwards.


I did enjoy meeting Kevin the dog, no butt sniffing required.

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A video of -32?!

@Horton, you can run -32 on an ice chest lid! We have seen you running -35 on every ski you have ever skied. Commentary on ski behavior at -32 and -35 is fine, but no more videos that don’t include-38 and -39.


Except for Buford videos. I would watch her -32 videos without complaint.

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@brettmainer okay I'm totally guilty of not liking to post videos where I think my skiing is subpar. Here is a 35 from yesterday where I'm exploring how I should be moving over my feet going into 2/4/6. Pretty sure 6 ball was not what I was looking for :-)


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It's getting time for you to buckle down and write this review. Bottom line is this review is going to be extremely positive. The ski flows until you make your first dumb skier mistake and then ski lets you scramble and get out the exit gates.
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@Golson The XTR Team is not the fastest ski ever not the slowest ski I have ever ridden. It is a little more work than some other skis but gets plenty of width at the ball.


Bottom line it is one of the 4 skis I have ever run back to back 38s on and one of 3 skis that I have ever legitimately gotten around 3 ball at 39. The darn thing just runs balls.

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yeah I'm not going to answer the above speculations except to say that my all-time tournament PB is 3@39 on a Goode XT. If somebody wants to restart the old MOASS thread we can talk about it there.
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Wait no. I just saw the scores. I'm going to assume I had much better condition than they did. Anyway I'm skiing great on the XTR Team.
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