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EZ-Slalom Halting Operations


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Message from Ed Obermeier, owner, EZ-Slalom Course Systems -


Hello everyone. I'm announcing today that I am formally retiring and as such EZ-Slalom will be halting all commercial operations shortly. Meaning that we will no longer be building or selling fully assembled slalom courses, slalom course kits, buoys, anchors etc. There are a number of things that have brought me to this decision, amongst them the rising cost of materials and the price increases we've been forced to make due to those increases, the difficulty in getting some materials in a timely manner (supply chain issues) etc, but largely just the fact that at 67 years of age I have some other things I want/need to pursue and it's just time to shift directions. My health and fitness are both good and I have no intention of checking out anytime soon, but for that and a lot of other reasons it's apparent that the time has come for me to take a step back, change directions, and slow things down a bit.


However I do want to make it completely clear that I will not and am not abandoning our customers. I will continue to service our existing customers with repair and replacements as needed, particularly any warranty issues as well as replacement mainline sections, some replacement portable course buoy arm sections and/or repairs (as materials continue to be available) if ever required. I've kept back enough materials to service repair/replacement requests so should someone need repairs/replacements they'll continue to be available. I'll be making changes to the website to notify visitors as to our changing status and eventually the website will go away as will the toll free 800 number so be aware that future contact will be as stated below.


Contact information going forward - Anyone wishing to contact me will still be able to do so via email to ed@ez-slalom.com, ed.obermeier@gmail.com. or call me directly at 913-731-2722. If you call there's a good chance that you'll get my voicemail, if so leave a message and return phone number and I'll call back ASAP.





FWIW to anyone and looking at it from a business perspective, I do want to state that one of the great pleasures of having been in this sport since we first went into commercial operations in 1998 has been the opportunity to meet and chat with a lot of my fellow waterskiers and to get to know you a bit and establish something of a personal connection, as much as that's possible over the phone or via email. Over the years I've gotten the opportunity to actually meet and ski with several of you (at some outstanding facilities and locations!) which has been a bonus. I've enjoyed talking to and doing business with many of you here on BOS and the support and kudos I've gotten here as well have always been flattering and sincerely appreciated. Our goal from the beginning was to create a reputation for building a superior product, giving great customer support, and getting people enjoying the sport at a higher level and if we've accomplished any of that, for me that's just the icing on the cake!


I've had a few folks inquire as to whether or not the business would continue to exist in some form or if it were for sale. EZ-Slalom has established a solid reputation for product quality and customer service - it's a great product with a well established world wide customer base and reputation as such it deserves to live on in some manner. If someone were interested in taking on an existing business with an established world wide reputation and customer base I'd love to discuss that with you. Contact me via one of the emails or phone number listed above. As with everything else we've done here at EZ-Slalom pricing would be fair and reasonable... :)


It's taken me three years to come to and accept the decision that it is time to retire and I'm doing so with mixed emotions and some lingering regret. But as I've stated above, for a number of reasons it's just time. I've enjoyed being a part of the waterskiing community and I hope that in some small way I've made some small positive impact on the sport. Again my sincere thanks to all for your business, your support, and the kind words and recommendations I've gotten here on the forum and from those of you with whom I've spoken directly and done business. If anyone needs repairs on one of our systems, recommendations or advice, please feel free to call or write. Take care and enjoy!


Best Regards, Ed Obermeier



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  • Baller_

Ed Obermeier = Legend.


Happy for you Ed and always appreciated your costumer service. Hoping your next chapter in life is equally if not more rewarding. And hope someone with equal talent and enthusiasm for the sport comes along and continues what you’ve built to be the very best.

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  • Baller

Back in 2004 we ordered a portable course from Ed. That's the only way we could ski the course. We would drop that thing in a public lake, hope the water would stay calm, ski it, retrieve it all, and do it again and again. We had no private lake, mommy and daddy didn't give us a boat or a lake house, it was all determination to get course time ourselves and a portable was our only option for years. Still have it and still use it every once in a while!


Thanks Ed!

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  • Baller
Ed I don't know what to tell you. You want to hear the standard cliches? Congratulations! Enjoy retirement - you earned it. Or how about- I can hardly wait till I can! I retired on a Friday two years ago I went back to work the following Monday. Everybody marches to the beat of A different drummer. It's just weird. You know you start out and life it's like the pendulum is starting to swing really slow. It hits the peak and then rapidly falls - fast. You know the older I get it seems like your life keeps accelerating. You'd think it would be just the opposite but it's not. I don't know how I ever got anything done before. Keep busy don't sit on your ass and thank you for the bouys.
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  • Baller
Never met Ed but talked to him many times on the phone. I bought a couple of his courses over the years. Nothing but positive to say about my experience. It's sad to lose a quality resource like Ed's product and knowledge but he fully earned it and I am happy for him. Full.out.legend!
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