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Another platform, championship series other then USAWS/AWSA would you participate


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  • Baller_

If another waterski entity, competition Series or organization existed other then USAWS/AWSA would you participate in those functions?


At this time just a simple yes or no as no official entity exists.

Reminder AWSA started from nowhere as have other sport entity's.

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  • Baller
To me it depends on what level of organization you’re happier with - playing pick-up ball on Wednesday nights in someone’s driveway or the local park, or if you want to play in an organized league with hardwood floors, nice hoops, bleachers, rules, scorekeepers and trained officials.
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  • Baller

The popularity of the Big Dawg series showed that there is an underlying interest in an event that had basically bragging rights. I always skied against myself and friends when I hit tournaments.


When we held tournaments at our lake it was just 12-15 skiers, 3 rounds, done by lunch, and had a BBQ and beer afterwards. The AWSA Rules and Regs just got in the way more than anything.

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  • Baller_

No one says you have to have a sanction to run a tournament. I ran unsanctioned tournaments for years and made up some of my own rules. For example, a complete pass was seven instead of six, awarding a half buoy each for the entrance and exit gates, thus decreasing the likelihood of someone going home with a score of zero.


If you don’t want a sanction, don’t get one. You can purchase an insurance policy to cover your event probably in the $500 range, maybe less. Or run without insurance if you are comfortable with it. I ran my tournament under the auspices of our local park district and was covered on their policy. Use anyone you like for officials. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so.


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@The_MS it's my impression that the organization's just trying to survive. A lot of the stuff that you are objecting to are things that they wouldn't do if their hand wasn't forced. In a different world where they had money in the bank and the future was secure things might be different.


You know I don't like my tax rate so I vote on election day and on tax day I pay whatever my bill is. Complaining about it incessantly doesn't fix anything.


In both cases we should advocate for change but also understand sometimes it just is what it is and get over it.

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  • Baller_

@Horton your point is along the lines of when the government hands stated a bunch of federal money. Well now you have to play by their rules or they pull the money. Don’t accept the money and we don’t have to play by their rules.

The just what it is and get over it is why this country is where it’s at. We have allowed this to become the norm and have brainwashed people to accept it. Like @MrJones said, how is it that a hobby for the majority of us has become so over regulated? Because we accept it.

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@The_MS no that's not what I mean. It's more like the organization has a choice do things like safe sport or be one step closer to ceasing to exist.


If your complaint is that society has gone down an unfortunate path then I get your point.


I disagree with many number of things the association has done in the last 10 or 50 years but the things that you seem to be mostly upset about are things that did not originate in water skiing. safe sport I believe is mandated by government to all NGOs. If that's not correct then it's mandated certainly by USOC. Now if you think that we should leave USOC now you and I have some to agree on but I don't know what our legal obligations are.

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  • Baller
@Horton the organization created their path by focusing on "other" things and lost the main focus which should be the sport itself and what members desire. Personal agenda's, old school mentalities, arrogance, entitlement all contribute to the path and slow demise, WSWC is in the same boat, it's a pandemic lol
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well I think we can all agree that chasing the Olympic dream was one of water skiings greatest mistakes.


for anyone unaware I have written about this in the past. see https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/22850/the-rise-and-fall-of-water-skiing/p1

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  • Baller

If a new organization starts, I put the over under at about 2 weeks for "you folks"* to start hating every decision the new organization makes and to start making threads complaining about the "direction" it is taking. Unless "you folks" are actually running it, in which case, someone else will start those threads, and "you folks" will get sick of the complaining and unrealistic expectations in a hurry. That is just the way organizations and bureaucracies work.


* "You folks" is not referring to anyone in particular so don't get your individual panties in a wad please.


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  • Baller_


I don't think that will be an issue.

A more atononymous system can easily be implemented if the goal is to create a competition of day ideolgy and that there can only be one champion at the end of the series.

Rankings ratings records are secondary or non existent in this.

Out of the box thinking is what is required.

realize thinking that what you had is what you want to emulate will not work. That's why you left!


Have a mission statement,

Maybe a professional LLC to promote a competition series crowning a champion at the end.


Taking the best of the previous or failing existing organization should not even be in the mind set.

Scrap it all and start over and make it Equatiable for all involved.



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  • Baller
@Jody_Seal, that's all well and good, but there is no concrete organizational proposal on the table, just "do you want something different." That can be an easy "yes" for a number of folks but the devil is in the details. It would be great if you put something more concrete together and see what happens, but I will remain skeptical until its off the ground and up and running and you have overcome a bunch of hurdles and dealt with a number of powerful competing interests.
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