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My 2021 Season in Review


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  • Baller

We’re half way through October, the weather is starting to play against us, and if I get any more ski days there won’t be many of them so with that I have the final tabulations:

912 completed passes

246 22s

466 28s

196/269 32s - 73%

4/96 35s

85 total ski days starting with The Boarding School in April, and low volume May, and then really getting after it June - October


I am very happy with both the total and the completion percent for my 32s this year. The previous record for total completed in a season was 83/118 which is a comparable hit rate but this season I ran more of them than I have attempted in any previous season. I wish that the confidence at 32 had paid off into more 35s however I did rack up 4 which brings the lifetime total to 13. In my final tournaments of the year I ran my 32 10/12 times (3 in non-scored bracket challenge rounds after the official tournament) and have tournament scores of 2.5, 3, and 3.5 at 35 composing my 12 month and season 2022 average.


What was likely my last ski day was two sets

10 28s

5/5 32s

4.5@35 that I should have ran. Early at 5 ball but fast and was impatient turning before my line tight. Hoping that I can carry what I learned this season forward into next.

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  • Baller

I do like the swerve tracker app and this is the first full season I have tracked my skiing. I did take about 6 weeks off in mid july due to ski site issues. My goal at this point is to try and shoot for 50 sets next year.


35 sets

201 passes taken

1049 buoys

* 55 22's ran (100%)

* 77 28's ran (98%)

* 31 32's ran (75%)

* 1 35 ran (with a weave)

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I skied a LOT.

Ran 38 on 4 or 5 different skis in practice. ( Honestly not sure )

Ran 38 ZERO times in a tournament for the first time since 2012 :-(

Won Regions in Slalom and Trick

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  • Baller
I ran the 35 on two different skis, the Mapple 6.0 and the C85 that I started using in mid-September. It amazed me how the C85 at 3 inches shorter felt like it had the same level of support underneath my feet. Stayed on the C85 through the end of the season and expect to start out on it next year
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  • Baller

Probably one of my top 3 season.


When I was 19, I went and skied down at Drew Ross's lake in Orlando


When I was 21, I joined the economy ski club in town and skied most weeknights (I joined when I was 22 too, but had too hard of a time finding someone to drive for me every night).


And now at 35, I pushed my PB forward by ~ 6 balls 1@35'off-58K.


Never really managed to take Skiing as seriously as I wanted to in the past. I was young and relied on my dad or his friends for a boat, then I had kids and was slow to get everyone moving in the morning.


This season I was 35yo, not sure how much longer I will be skiing 58k, kids were old enough to be left behind pouring their own cereal in the morning, so I went pretty hard this year, my course is at a lake house 1:45h from home, so I'm a weekend warrior, but got ~5 sets/week in most of the summer. Probably got ~45 sets in while the course was in the water, and a more freeskiing. Listened to the whole back catalogue of Spraymakers. Visualized each movement I was making and why, spent time after each pass thinking about where it went right and where it went wrong.


Took until the 2nd last weekend but hit my goal, ran '32off.


I'm on the fence if I will ski 58K or 55k next season, part of me wants to see if I can push things a little further and really get into shortline before I start slowing down. Another part of me wonders if I progress a little faster slowing down, I've never really seeked out tournaments, but I if I could show the same amount of progress in the next year or two at 55K, I would probably be one of the better 35+ skiiers in my area.

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  • Baller

Got back on the water after my 4th left wrist/hand surgery in November. Gradually lost about 25 pounds, although, still way too heavy to be a serious skier, but at 62 it is really tough to lose weight. Nagging tennis elbow developed on left arm (will my down arm on offside lean ever catch a break?). Made most of my deepwater starts, and got up to running 2 sets of 4-5 passes by end of season. Just skied at 28 off 32 mph and almost ran a full pass several times. Sort of a downer when I think back many years when I started at 32 off @ 34mph for my second round quite often.


But I am back on the water and seemed to be stronger at the end of the season and actually felt like a skier some times. Enjoyed skiing with the Wroblewski's this year as they lost their lake lease at the end of last season. Ann Marie won Nationals and podiumed at World U17 and finished just outside of podium in U21.


Big changes for the year: A MasterCraft was primary tow boat and a Jump Ramp found its way into the lake. This is actually the same (refurbished heavily) jump ramp I bought when President for the old FN's Navy Ski Club on the Ottawa River around 1979/80. I guess we come full circle eventually....


Cheers to all of us who keep slugging away and doing it while we can. Many have gone before us that would gladly trade places with this broken down 62 year old body and not give buoy count a second thought...







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  • Baller_

It’s a mix of good and bad:


Missed my opener at Regionals again.


Did not clear 34/-32, even in practice.


Did not have any bad crashes or injuries. Some minor medial epicondylitis was all that I experienced and I just skied through it.


Set a new 36 mph tournament PB a few weeks shy of turning 56.


Had many fun days on the water and got some exercise to boot.


Learned a few things at the end of the season to try next year.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Most fun I’ve had skiing in a season.in my 50s. Skied a ton, as much as I could handle physically I think. set a goal of running 22 at beginning of season. Ran it in August. Then ran 28 later on. Took a few solid crashes, made some new friends, got better at skiing, stayed fit, boat ran great, had some beers after skiing. Good times
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  • Baller_

Great season here. Started this spring barely making a 26mph pass. Felt I would never ski at 34. Now I’ve run six -15/36 passes, and a whole lot of 34 passes. Skied my first 4 tournaments this year.


154 ski outings, about half on a course and half free skiing under beautiful sunrises. Buncha crashes, lots of frustration along the way, no broken bones this year. Lots learned.


I have ambitious goals for next year. Step 1 is staying in shape over a chilly Michigan winter.

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  • Baller_
Wow, you guys are really something! I was just congratulating myself as I made my 50th visit to Hilltop this year while working 60+ hours a week. About 100 sets this year for this 63 yr old, doing ok at -15/32's but haven't managed a 22 off pass yet in 2021 - but still have almost 2.5 months to keep trying!
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  • Baller

Boat is not out of the water yet, but so far in 2021 I have skied 109 days. No major injuries, which is great when you're 54. Had a horrific crash from a Reflex release when I didn't want it to do so (I should sell that thing on SIA). Most days were free skiing on our local public lake. Did get some course time this year and got around all 6 at 32 MPH for the first time this year, best at the next speed was 4 at 34 (15 off).


Winter plan is to workout more, both general fitness and strength, and loose some more lbs. Hope to go to the Seattle Boat show in early 2022 with @Rednucleus and the Wednesday Night Crew this year.

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  • Baller

Well we had an interrupt June 18 when the Pond was shut down and it remains so. I keep a basic log and still managed to get in 107 sets this season, which is more than prior seasons. Even though in Men7 I am still learning and improving. I got into 32 off 3 tournament days which was rewarding.

There is still some time left so I may get in a few more.

And a shout out to Paul Crawford for hosting the Old Guys Club at Valensin ski ranch esp on Taco Wednesdays.

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  • Baller

Kind of an odd year for me. Lot's of wind early in the year but was able to improve my -28/34 to about 60% and ran my first ever -32 on July 8th. A couple weekly later had a dumb fall on my opener that twisted my ankle and knee and I've not recovered my confidence and performance since. My new MOB system will arrive Thursday and I've got about a week and half before the course comes out. Hoping that having the MOB will give me enough mental horsepower to finish the season strong.


101 sets

568 passes

2471.5 buoys

Quite a bit more skiing than 2020 and my 62 yo body is holding up well (except for the ankle)


001 -32 ran 1%

082 -28 ran 38%

110 -22 ran 71%

117 -15 ran 89%


Get high, Get fast, and do some good work.

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  • Baller

I'm impressed you people take notes. I don't. I track my fin and binding set up, that's about it. I stunk about 1/2 the year. To be fair, we lost a family member to covid and 3 of my kids and I got sick from it.


I went and skied with Trent at the pinnacle of my skiing stinkfest. He had great advice, ski only when you feel like skiing, not just ski to ski. It helped a ton. I ran some 38's at home and didn't embarrass my self too badly at a few tourneys. I'd guess i skied around 80 sets.

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  • Baller_
I started keeping a ski tracker a bit late into the summer, then got behind on filling it out and gave up lol. But I'm quite happy with my season. I ran 15off/32mph for the first time June 12th, then ran 15off/34mph for the first time August 22nd. Now, 32mph is getting quite consistent, and I've run at least one 34mph each of my last times out. I haven't tried much at 22off, but twice have gotten 2@22off/34mph. Tomorrow will be my last ski set till next year... anyone have an extra room in Florida I can winter at?? :D
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