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You know water skiing is a problem in your life when....


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  • Baller_
@Ajskier That was a serious question: are you Canadian? It seems like you have to wait an inordinately long period of time for your surgery, and I have heard that frequently happens with orthopedic surgery in Canada. Hence my question.


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  • Baller

@MDB1056 first set out was a success, just ran my opener a bunch and the knee was fine. So I am going to try an pack in a summers worth of skiing in the next month and half.


@lpskier Nope not Canadian. The reason for waiting for the surgery was because I am doing a pretty big home renovation project that was supposed to start in May, but didn't get started until the end of July, which I am hoping that it will be done by the time I go in for surgery in Nov. I tore down my old garage and building a new 42'w x 30'd with a walk up second floor. Contractor has really been dragging his feet. Had I known that this thing was going to be delayed so much, I would have opted for surgery right after the injury.

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  • Baller_

@tru-jack A good friend of my who lives in Calgary but spends significant time skiing in Orlando tore his rotator cuff skiing in Orlando. He returned home to see his ortho and was told that he needed surgery and the next available slot was more than two months out. He returned to Otown and got it fixed that week. And that was in a big city hospital in Calgary.


Cancer treatment, on the other hand, I understand to be first class.


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  • Baller
You spend 80 g on an run down RV and lot (while still paying rent for my main residence) with no hope of living there or renting it.. just because it gives you a key to the private launch on the only lake within 100 miles with a decent course. I guess the new(er) boat will have to wait lol.
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When you only get to ski a couple of times a year on a dam that is so choppy it has white caps but still go for as many skis as possible. Am at least 6 months away from my next ski but have just ordered a new ski and still look at BOS everyday.
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  • Baller
When, from the age of 13, all you ever wanted in life was to live on a ski lake. You finally make that happen, at age 30, but it requires you to move 1800 miles from where you grew up, and you and your wife have to quit your good jobs, and find new jobs. It’s all worked out though. Wife is no longer around, but that’s a minor consequence for living on a ski lake!
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