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Moving from 34 to 32mph has been a real challenge


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  • Baller
I just turned 65 and I am trying to figure out the challenge of moving to 32mph from 34mph. I have a 66" Goode Nano Twist that has been my best 34mph ski. I have skied 34 for 30 years which I am sure is part of the problem. In trying out 32mph on this ski, I feel like the ski is simply wrong for 32. It works GREAT at 34mph and does everything I would ever want it to do. At 32mph, I feel like the ski is dumping speed way to fast and digs too deep on the turns. I can run through 12M with little effort, but 11.25 has become near impossible to get me from 1 to 2 without ending up with enough slack to lasso the boat two times over. Any insight from those in the know would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Baller

Would agree with @liquid d as step one, and ski designers concur, slowing the boat down will take a longer ski to get the same lift and speed . It’s an easy first step to try that I believe you’ll notice. Grab a 67 and see what you think.


Plan B- keep skiing 34.

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  • Baller_
I’m sure this isn’t what you want to hear but the problem is not the ski it’s the skier. When dropping the speed there is a natural tendency to overturn, kill it and get even more angle. If you can get yourself to just hold the handle close until you can’t stand it, then smooth controlled reach and smooth turn you will be much better off. Try to maintain your speed and keep moving goes a long way at slower speed.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

I am in the same boat, my ski just does not glide in the setup , I drop back really quickly, I stand Tall and up on the front of the ski, it just drops off, I have played around with the wing etc, but then I lose the feel in the course, if I can get into the course and carry two hands to the bouy line it works, but frustrated with the pull out, I get wide and free and then as I turn in the boat has got me and I am launched through the gate, really hard to stay on the front foot, I also feel that the ski really does not work for me at 32mph, it works a lot better when I travel and ski warmer water, in home territory it,s not happening.

Frustrated !

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  • Baller

@gavski , I have reduced the wing and tried it on several settings, I am not liking it, there is no feel, the ski is too loose and I end up with no line and no control.

Yes the ski could do with being faster on the setup, but I still need a ski that shuts down a little bit coming into the bouy.

Interesting that on the Denali Thread @Horton mentioned adding wing to slow the ski a little in the Glide, that adjustment is probably easier to deal with in the course, because you still have feel.




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  • Baller
I’m 60, 6’2” and 170# and went from 34 to 32 two years ago to help preserve my body. I was on a 68” for ~ 25 years at 34 and this year I moved to a 68” Ion-s which is just a little wider than my previous few skis. Very happy with the move. A little easier getting up and it works for me better than any ski that I’ve ridden before.
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  • Baller
I am 6' 194 lbs on a 67" Senate Pro and running into the same problems. Tried some fin/wing adjustments but doesn't feel right. I am now carrying a little more speed through the gates to compensate. When gate speed is right with handle at hip, it's easy. If I'm slow I start dropping into a hole and fights on! Coming off knee surgery -35 is hit or miss but I'm getting there.
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  • Baller

@jdroseinc you mention where your are now, but what buoy count were you running at 34? @Bruce_Butterfield is right. For me, moving from 34 to 32 just exacerbated my shortcoming of being unable to get the ski to carry out. (read; bad handle control)

Let me add in edit:

I once quizzed a good skier (Dennis Longo) about what ski length he was on when he was having success at 30. He replied that he was on the same ski at 34, 32 and now 30. A Nano One. You know that they're short. His quoted route to success was keeping the handle in as far as possible.

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  • Baller

I have been fairly successful transitioning to 32 from 34 (last year) although I have not picked up the mystical/bogus "6 buoys." I tried a larger ski (same ski model) without success, but I was on ski that was according to Goode to large for me at 34mph. If you are on the high end of the weight range of your ski, it may mitigate your issue, but not solve them.


In addition to @Bruce_Butterfield has commented on, holding on to the handle as long as you can to the apex of the turn is critical. 32mph will penalize any coasting, IE flat ski or letting out the handle until absolutely necessary. The old school drill of running 28 (and 32 if you can) with two hands on the handle may pay you dividends.

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  • Baller
Thanks for all the input. I am going to try the handle hold longer option first. As for what I was doing at 34. Best tournament Score has been 3 at 11.25. I have run 11.25 4 times in my life but never had a problem getting to 2. 12M was consistent for me 5 years ago but has been getting harder and harder. When I am on, it is a piece of cake. But if I get in trouble, it is hard to recover. I can run 13 all day every day, warm cold, wind, cross wind. At 32 MPH I can screw up at any ball at any turn and still run through 35. But at 38, just getting to 2 seems like a chore. Overall, thanks to you all for the insights. I will let you know how it goes! I am starting with the Bruce Butterfield's suggestion since in that scenario, everything else stays the same.
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