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New slalom ski recomendations


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Hi there, looking for some insight into getting a new ski. I have been riding on my 04' HO Phantom truth 68" with double approach's since it came out and I think it is time for a change. I used to LOVE this ski, it was aggressive, demanded respect and made you hold on for dear life if you didn't. Now almost 20 years later and a couple back surgeries,(life related not skiing), kids, etc. I cant get as psyched up to go crazy every time out. About me, exclusively a free skier 2-3 times a week May till Oct. I think I have skied a course maybe 10 times in last 20 years. I have been reading a lot of discussions on here on what is good for everyone that asks so I thought I would ask for some help as well. Looking for a ski I can still go hard on but doesn't burn me out after a few sets, because big spray the length of the inlet looks sweet! So details, 5-10" 185, 33-35 mph open water, free riding skier. Mostly salt but a few times a year in the lakes on vacation. Water is almost never perfect but decent. By no means an expert, no course, but intermediate-advanced I will say. Not looking for a retirement ski to putt-putt along on, looking for something aggressive that isn't deadly that I don't have to spend a month setting up. I am not a brand loyal person so I am open to try anything. There is a lot out there right now ( with too much info on how great they are), and to be able to narrow it down to 2 or 3 to test drive would be a huge help. Thanks for any help.
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  • Baller

If you ski mostly in salt water then from an engineering perspective, avoid a lot of the fully carbon skis unless the inserts are stainless steel. Ali/Carbon Fibre + salt water is a recipe for galvanic corrosion and you'll end up with inserts pulling out, bolts welding themselves to the insert etc...


So, that in mind, I'd look for an intermediate open water fibreglass ski, it will be a bit heavier - I'd go for slightly older tech i.e. screws into a built in plate/thickening rather than inserts as you can seal around the screw easier.


The O'Brien Sequence is a great allrounder (and cheap) but can run the course when needed, make some nice freeride turns and throws a nice spray ;) I had spinal surgery on my lower back and it makes deep water starts a breeze - 35mph might be a bit quick for it though, so maybe look at the HO freeride, Radar Terrain / Session -


if they have ali inserts then maybe some silicone sealant around the insert and on the threads / thread locker might help against galvanic reaction - just make sure it's a non conductive materials and can protect against salt water ingress

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  • Baller
Aside from a wider ski making pullups a little easier, I'm thinking something more narrow might be good. A ski the sits a little deeper in the water will be better in less than Ideal conditions (plus the salt is going to have the ski sitting higher anyway.) Connelly and D3 are known to ride a little deeper, also Jodi fisher's Wrapped ski is more narrow and does very well in choppier waters, with success in a wide range of skier levels. Wrapped
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Thanks for the input. Never had any issue with any corrosion due to the salt water, we are OCD meticulous in cleaning and maintaining our gear. Also don't have much problem with water starts despite previous back issues, excellent physio and stubbornness get me out consistently! I was thinking about a Radar already. The wrapped ski is a bit high in the budget, being in Canada it would be at least 2300 without boots and shipping. I like to ski but I also like to eat. I will look into the D3 Ion-s. And any suggestions on the Connelly? thanks.
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