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Binding replacement for HO Mach1


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I've been skiing my Mach1 for10+ years. The back boot (toe plate) finally gave out. Looking for good options for replacement. Don't mind the toe plate, but also wouldn't be opposed to a second boot or full new set. I ski pretty hard and love it, but I'm not at all technical or even know how to begin to navigate the world of bindings! HELP!
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  • Baller

I agree with posters who say call Darren Wiley. But ask him to set you up with a Vector or Vapor binding with a Boa and an RTP.


And just for grins see if he's got a more modern leftover skis lying around that he could part with for cheap. I loved my Mach 1 in 1988. But the skis have radically improved since then. Treat yourself.

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  • Baller

@nathanroskam I agree with @jjackkrash, I skied on a Mach 1 for a lot of years and thought it was great but then I treated myself to a new and much better ski (a Monza) and couldn't believe the difference. My skiing ability shot up several levels very quickly after that and then I was kicking myself for staying on the antique tech Mach 1 for so long and not getting a more modern ski way sooner. It's time to turn the ol' Mach 1 into a wall hanger and get into the new technology. If you don't want to spend a lot, you can get a 3 - 6 year old ski off SIA for a pretty reasonable price. It won't be right up-to-date but it'll be close and it'll still be light years ahead of the Mach 1. There will likely be an adjustment period at first when you're getting used to the new setup but when you finally do, you should see some rapid and significant improvements to your skiing. Modern skis can do so much more than the old ones!


I sure don't regret retiring the old Mach 1 but I still do regret not switching to something newer and better a lot sooner.

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