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Pro Tour


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  • Elite Skier

@ALPJr Sadly the only Pro Tour tournament that will happen in Europe this year is the San Gervasio Pro Am. With a variety of different entry requirements and timelines of ease of restrictions, the uncertainty loomed well into late spring. Some organizers felt that such uncertainty was too much to make the necessary commitments to push through with a pro event and, as a fellow organizer, I fully understand them. That said, I have been in touch with all of them throughout this and their unwavering willingness to host cash prize events when it will be possible was a further confirmation of what I have been saying for a while: this very specific aspect of growing water skiing (i.e., Professional Events) is on the rise. Covid is an external and uncontrollable circumstance, not something systemic about the state of professional skiing.


In terms of travel restrictions, a lot of countries in Europe have and have had exceptions to quarantine requirements dedicated to athletes/coaches/judges/staff/press partaking in sport competitions. As the situation improves, such exceptions are being extended to more categories and countries.

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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