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  • Baller

@horton your comment regarding the southern region opinion is unfair and inappropriate.


First off, while there is a real and concerning shortage of promo boats everywhere this policy covers ALL boats. In the south where record tournaments are plentiful (and expensive already!) there are also, by far, more ski schools and pro skier boats available than anywhere else. As discussed above most sites treat their boat owners pretty well. With more record tournament means roughly 2x the required officials. Add the potential for dual boats at several events and a REQUIRED $25/hr reimbursement is counter productive at many locations. Should those sites start making senior/regular officials pay? Or pay some per round fee?


Yes, I get it that boat owners can decline the $$. I also get it that the site can provide whatever other or additional reimbursement to make is fair and equitable. But we believe this will not solve the problem(s) which are 1) encouraging more promo boats and 2) providing equitable and fair reimbursement to the owners. Is this one way to do it? Sure, of course.


So I’m curious how this idea will be for the “general good for the sport”? Specifically what problem does it really solve? How will the big 3 IMPROVE their programs to make things better overall? How many NEW promo boats do you expect to see directly from this policy?


For the record, we voted FOR the “recommended” $50 fee at the summer meeting.

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  • Baller_

First, we do have a promo boat problem that has been building for a long time. The new guidance is just that - guidance. It is NOT mandatory. It still allows promo boat owner and LOCs to work whatever deal they want. They can still use the old free entry / free hotel for bringing the boat without the hourly upcharge if they want. The $25/hr is just a recommendation - and a very reasonable one IMO. We don't need to get worked up over this. If an LOC needs a "real promo boat" they still have to beg, borrow, and offer copious amounts of adult beverages to get those boats on site.


"The AWSA board of directors approved the following policy to reimburse all boat owners for towboat use in AWSA sanctioned events, effective for the 2021 season. A Local Organizing Committee (LOC) must reimburse a boat owner(s) for costs incurred due to use of a boat for any event (excluding Regionals and Nationals) on an hourly basis. This provision includes promo boats, individually owned boats, club boats, etc. The recommended minimum reimbursement rate is $25 (Twenty-Five dollars) per hour of use recorded from the boat’s hour meter. The boat must be an Approved Tournament Towboat with valid insurance as required by USA-WSWS. The boat owner has the option to decline reimbursement and/or make other arrangements."

My crystal ball says within 5 years promo boats will be virtually non-existent and we will be using personal or club boats to pull tournaments anyway. Why do 99.99% of us need the newest, best promo boat? Give Betty Lou a buff and wax and get on with it.


*For those who don't know, Betty-Lou is liquid d's '97 nautique that Jody repowered for ZO. She's not pretty, but its hard to find a better slalom tug.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

The Promo Team is just what it says “ Promo” . These boats are used in tournaments to create boat sales. No sales, no Promo Team. Sales means purchasing boats from dealers!

Tournament in Florida have so many entries the record tournament going on this week is completely full, 3 days, Wed, Thur, Fri at $200 for 3 rounds. Roughly 100 skiers!

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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield well explained. but leave it to AWSA to state in one paragraph that an LOC MUST compensate the driver. And in the very next sentence state the owner has the option to decline.


So please ignore everything the governing body just said and work it out locally. ?!?

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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield and @RAWSki the "MUST reimburse" language is exactly the issue the Southern Region had with the policy. We fully supported the summer resolution that was a "recommended reimbursement of $50". That policy resolution passed the board easily.


So when the towboat committee came back again at the winter meeting with another similar resolution the whole point was to make it mandatory instead of recommended.


The "recommended" language in the current resolution is a recommendation about the amount - effectively putting a floor at $25, unless the boat owner declines or other arrangements are made.



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