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Testing of Cold Water Footwear for Water Skiing - boots & socks


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  • Baller
Good work @SlalomSteve I’ll deft give latex a try at the end of the season... In the winter I’ve typically switched my RTP to a radar Adjustable RTP and used a 3 mm neoprene sock... not as tight on the rear foot as my Wiley RTP but has been better than skiing with a numb foot
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  • Baller_
@SlalomSteve Thanks for the info! I ski with numb feet 2-3 months out of the year. I would love to see a follow up piece on how well the Speedo's release from a boot. I use double animals. My last HO I tried a thin rubber bootie (like a dry suit seal material) and it was almost impossible to get my foot out of the binding.
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