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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller

I don’t have anything to hide, but I’m not doing the background check in order to judge. Others I’ve spoke with have said the same.

I believe I had a background check when I was regular driver. Not going to keep doing these





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  • Baller

And been fingerprinted!

I’ll just tell ya right now…..I’ve had 1 speeding ticket…I think I was 17yrs old.

Oh….. when I was 5 yrs old I unintentionally stole a bottle of Elmers Glue! Mom took me back to the store and made me apologize to the Manager.

No charges filed!

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  • Baller

@Killer Why is a previous DUI applicable to one's current boat/skiing driving ability? There are plenty of opportunities to identify if someone is under a substance, I don't see how a past conviction applies to a current volunteer role that needs more volunteers. I know plenty of rated Drivers who have had it expunged off their record.


To @NameUnavailable 's point, it's becoming not worth it to do a sanctioned tournament, nor keep up judges/drivers ratings. It's not fun anymore. I am more qualified than most trick judges, but its not worth my time to get my Regular rating, and thus have more work/less fun during a tournament. Drivers sit in the boat all day, judges sit on a tower, trick judges stay after a tournament for hours to reconcile runs. Why would you add more requirements to these roles?

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  • Baller
Ah, come on @unksskis I had this thread off topic and less serious at the expense of my trick video master rating, and my background check of being a child candy bar thieve - and you go ahead and post a serious comment! What gives?
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  • Baller
@killer where is the data that says something must be done. Same thing we said when the driver's mandate was made in 2012. Where was the data saying drivers were driving drunk at the lake. Or that a past DWI increased the likelihood of an issue. Without data this is all just bs.
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  • Baller_

Just so you all know there had been enough pushback from membership that there should be at least some adjustment to the usaws mandates.

Trust that AWSA leadership will squash this.

Know that these leaders email box's have blown up and membership has raised enough racket along with BOS that they realize AWSA won't recover from loss of membership over this issue.


Continue your objections by emailing your membership leaders with your concerns.

Make it a point to attend your state and regional meetings. National executive meeting may also be protested in Central Florida.

Its time to loose the beuracrats in this organization!


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  • Baller_


"To reach any member of the board of directors, please email memberservices@usawaterski.org and we will provide the appropriate contact information. "


Southcentral Region https://awsasouthcentral.com/directors-and-officers


Links to the other regional websites https://teamusa.org/USA-Water-Ski/Three-Event-Water-Skiing/Regional-Websites


All correspondence should include @klindy (AWSA COB) and @LLUSA (AWSA president)

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller_

I knew that they would just dump this absolute load of $hit right on to the event organizers.

The 90 minutes of training is nothing compared to what the LOC has to deal with.

What a bunch of crap this is. HDQ just sits back and keeps the money coming in and LOCs deal with all the crap.

Maybe all of you “oh it’s just 90 minutes” crowd ought to step up and try and organize some events.

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  • Baller

I think their website authors are the same ones that write cnn articles:


Myth: The United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee is forcing USA Water Ski & Wake Sports to require members to do SafeSport training


Fact: There is nothing more important to USA Water Ski & Wake Sports than protecting our athletes, especially our young participants. USA Water Ski & Wake Sports is joining 15 other NGBs by voluntarily introducing requirements for adult members to complete SafeSport training. Given the family nature of our sport, there are very few events that exclude children. Additionally, unobservable, and uninterruptible one-on-one interactions that take place between minor athletes and adult participants within our sport create vulnerabilities for sexual abuse and misconduct to occur. By requiring awareness training, USA Water Ski & Wake Sports is taking proactive measures to create a safe and positive environment for all members on and off the water.

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  • Baller

Not sure how/why this relates to "CNN authors". It seems pretty straightforward. Unless it is not true. I have no idea. Just commenting on the article as written.

The stated Myth is that the USOPC is "Forcing" USAWS to "require"...SS

The stated Fact is that USAWS is not forced by the USOPC to require SS, but is imposing those requirements voluntarily. (i.e. USAWS is choosing, not forced, to impose SS)

Seems to me like a simple clarification.

Now, if this is not true (i.e. IF USAWS is actually being forced to require SS by the USOPC), they (the website authors) would be lying and then we can (if we must) compare them to our favorite media.

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  • Baller_

@Drago you need to read the requirements that are laid out in the link that @Bruce_Butterfield posted.

Event organizers should proactively complete a risk assessment related to the MAAPP criteria and eliminate all vulnerabilities that may exist. Event organizers and Chief Safety Directors should actively review the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Event Risk Assessment Guidelines prior to each event to mitigate and/or eliminate applicable risks for:

• One on One Interactions

• Massage and Athletic Training Modalities

• Locker Rooms/Changing Areas

• Electronic Communications

o No event communication should be sent to an individual minor athlete, but rather use group communications only and copy other adults, including the minors parents

Event organizers must communicate to all event personnel and participants that they will be required to adhere to the MAAPP for the duration of the event. Event organizers must also communicate information on how to report violations of the MAAPP. This information must be communicated to all event personnel within 30 days prior to the start of the event.


Event organizers will be required to provide proof of MAAPP communication to event personnel and participants upon request from USA Water Ski & Wake Sports and/or the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Event Organizers are also highly encouraged to post the MAAPP Communication in any published event information.


It is the responsibility of the event organizer to ensure that all Event Personnel have received this communication. Protocol must be put into place to communicate this message to those who attend the event but did not receive prior communication. Please utilize the example language (link below) for this communication:

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  • Baller_

@Drago if this was a simple matter of signing a release it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But the requirements and liability now levied on the LOC are not trivial. If anyone reads through the new requirements, its very clear the intent is to put as much liability as possible directly on the LOC and away from USAWS/AWSA.


This is NOT about protecting kids.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller



Ski racing has had SafeSport requirements for about 6 years now. I just pull this up and know instantly who can, in this case, coach. All I have to do is keep reminding my staff to complete their membership. If they don’t, like Tony here, my SafeSport requirement is to send him home. Simple. If I say, Oh, it’s cool, could potentially be in hot water.

When we have races, visiting coaches must be members. I check that and we’re ready to go.

It doesn’t mean I have to monitor bathrooms and set up security cameras.


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  • Baller

No no @Drago this is incompetent leadership passing the buck, get with the program. They don't have to implement this.


Drunk drivers never reoffend and we use the honor code in our sport, this isn't like that fancy ski racing with their world Cups and household names.


What's next, officials get microchipd? It's a slippery slope... Waterskiing is too big to fail afterall :neutral:





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  • Baller

I was a little drunk but that makes more sense than not wanting to do a safesport quiz every 4 years to protect the sport and perhaps some kids from getting diddled, or worse.


You made a great point @Drago, this type of thing has been in many sports for many years.

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  • Baller

@lpskier I didn’t feel that way. One in particular, she made some mistakes and we lost a great boat driver. To be clear, I’m talking about the motor vehicle check.

SafeSport got a bad actor out of ski racing a couple years ago. I was shocked, thought he was a good dude.

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  • Baller
Sad Day ! if we all have to walk around thinking everybody is a pervert, there are plenty of odd people out there, that are not perverts, yes protect the kids, but use your intuition and act accordingly, talk to your kids as if they were adults, you will get a whole lot more from them.
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  • Baller

@ForrestGump You have that legal responsibility already, depending on the context. But if you really feel that way, that's sad. Safesport isn't a babysitting training class.


For all (not directed at Shane):


80,000 claimants in the Boy Scout mess. Every single seat of the LA Coliseum, AT&T stadium, Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, etc...a victim of sexual abuse...not just grooming. Next time you turn on a football game, picture that over decades, of all the seemingly benevolent organizations, BOY SCOUTS missed THAT MANY! How many of those victims, their parents, and those troop leaders etc. look back with sickening regret that they missed whatever signs there were. That number is exponentially higher. And yet even in this day and age of awareness of the misses and missteps of trust of so many, we have grown adults threatening non-renewal of a membership in a small organization, which costs less than a tank of gas, which does all it can with limited resources, over a required 1-1.5 hour course with the purpose being to raise awareness about how these things work and how to prevent it, because of "mandate" pushback. Mind-blowing. This is an embarrassingly wrong side of history for some to be on, regardless of USAWS's motivations for requirement.

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  • Baller

Sounds like Safe Sport is a CYA insurance for the USAWS club insurance. So how about Breathalyzers for starting club boats, that would that take the risk out of DUI's. Government is proposing it in autos. You have to give up your driving record and take a Safe Sport test and video and pay money. I was at the Polk City site once. What happened? So where is the new improved USAWS headquarters and Lake?

Don't worry there will be more hoops to jump through. (and Money). Can't wait for the new Donation Bricks for the new site. What happened to the old ones? (land fill or Video)

Ernie Schlager

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@The_MS that is the way I feel about most of this thread - that is why I have chosen to read less then 10% of it.
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  • Baller

This is gonna get some dislikes but...


Rebuttals of "it's just a 90min/45min course, what's the big deal" is just plain uniformed uneducated narrow minded one view ignorance...just stop commenting and go read all the documents


Honestly if your JUST A SKIER it could easily be viewed as no big deal...BUT if you have actually read ALL of what is now required and shift of responsibility it's a big deal, not to those of you who just show up and do nothing but ski, but to those of us who bust our asses to provide those events to you it matters...


Instead of being the ones saying it's not a big deal (who are mostly just skiers), those saying it's a big deal are your judges, organizers, drivers, scorers etc...you all should be concerned and thinking and offering ways to keep these people involved, because without them, you have no where to go...


Do you all know that if take pics at the tourney and post them on social media, you better make sure you have consent from the parents of any minor that may be in those pics..or your in violation of SafeSport


Do you know if your changing by your vehicle and little Johnny just so happens to walk by your in violation of Safesport


Do you know if one of your club members sons/daughters gets a PB and the two of you have a "celebratory interaction" (words from the document)...if you did not receive consent from their parent before that your now in SafeSport violation...


Oh and in all instances the LOC is now screwed cause they we're responsible to ensure none of those scenarios could/should occur


Ask me again why I do not want AWSA tournaments at my lake...

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