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EP55: Ski Talk with Elizabeth Montavon (Part 2)


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So I just figured out what I should look for in recruiting for high jumo, triple jump, and pole vault, especially for female recruits:


"I have no ability to scale my aggression."


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that Elizabeth herself could learn HJ or PV because there's a key moment in each with your head upside down.


But if there are any girls in New England reading this and thinking "I don't know how to scale my aggression either" -- come join us sometime at Patriot Pole Vault!!

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  • Baller

@unksskis, I mostly agree. Near the end, I didn't hear her marketing approach as "taking power away from the boat manufactures" as much as I heard additionally welcoming other (non-slalom specific) sponsors into the sport. The 4th event cooler, the socks company, etc.


@Luzz, I enjoy the heck out of your podcasts; this and Water Ski Bits. My 20 yo DD and I typically listen separately (due to schedules), then compare our impressions after we've each listened to each interview. Gives us a great opportunity to talk about something we each love, but from our different perspectives.


While there's certainly recency bias, I thought these two parts were spectacular.



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  • Baller

When she said something about having photos of Pro skiers getting into and out of the water all I could think is; expand that to follow @FWinter for a day with a video camera. His incredibly friendly and funny personality are something the world needs to know. It would likely be a riot! I enjoy just hanging out talking with him as much as skiing with him.

I really would enjoy something like that with all the pros, especially @Luzz and Jon Travers. One with Will Asher would be really interesting too. It would probably take someone like the guys at TWBC to put something like that together. Marcus Brown does a great job of that kind of thing with his own life all the time.

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