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EP54: Ski Talk with Elizabeth Montavon (Part 1)


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  • Administrators

As the Moderator of this site I have to say I am not thrilled with this thread. On one hand the sport needs more personality. On the other hand, some of this feels a bit personal. Personal attacks are not allowed here.


Please behave like adults.

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  • Baller_

@ForrestGump I don’t drool on the carpet but I do have a tendency to lift my leg on a few hydrants

@EM My only social media is BOS I guess I’m to old and too far to the right for FB and Instagram. Your name has never been mentioned on BOS until after your IG post so I don’t know how all that started. Live and learn

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  • Elite Skier

@Horton it was clearly a personal attack about 10 comments ago.


@The_MS The only person who continues to call you old is ... you.


Re: not being mentioned, that is not accurate.




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  • Baller

@EM....You go Girl, keep telling it like it is. Love the fact your tough as hell and ski like it to. I can really see Chet's influence on you and that's great. Chet is not only my very favorite Coach of all time, but one of my very favorite HUMAN BEINGS !!!


Just keep being who you are, it's obviously working !!!!



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  • Baller
Let me put this out there...I met my wife when we were 20y/o, skiing was one of our bonds. 40 years later it still is. EM reminds me a lot of my wife: smart, driven, determined...and if she was a guy, would be considered a baller. Except my wife is drop dead gorgeous, into fashion, hair, makeup..and being the badass that she is...has been referred to as a b1tch on more than one occasion. And we have two daughters that are just like her, both of which have learned that being “nice” as a girl usually means someone will take advantage of you. And just like EM they, along with my wife could teach a sailor how to curse. I’ve been following Elizabeth on IG before she had any real “success” in tournaments. But her IG feed shows the success that she has had in her personal and professional life. And no one made it easy for her, she earned it. My daughters are about her age - and they too are earning every success they have while dealing with personal issues that EM brings to light and openly shares. It’s a story of inspiration, just maybe it’s not for everyone and that’s ok. Some day soon our world will be in the hands of women like EM and my girls and I for one feel good about that.
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  • Baller

@Luzz great interview.

How do I slow the talk speed down. It’s way to fast for some reason.

@EM_ great story.

So many people have a tough time in school With bullying.

Great skiing. Keep it going

I was registered for hilltop but couldn’t get across the Can / US boarder and had to give up my spot.

Would of been great to see you ski.

Hopefully next year.


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  • Baller_
Isn't there an old saying in advertising..?..."There is no such thing as bad publicity". That may not ring true in every case, but there certainly is more buzz in the world of waterskiing thanks to @EM... like her or not. I suspect more will listen to this podcast than any other guest @Luzz has had... including me...eventually
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  • Supporting Member

Finally listened to this! Every single word of my initial impression was confirmed: "Hell yeah. This kid has got some FIRE. Let's get to WORK!"


Inspiring. And I think every serious skier can hear something of themselves in her way of thinking about the sport.


It also sounds like a few folks who went to Rollins are owed a good caning. People like that, who let their jealousy try to stop others from achieving greatness, make me deeply sad.

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