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Cancer sucks.


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  • Baller

About 4 years ago, I lost my Mom to brain cancer (glioblastoma for those of you unfortunate enough to know the lingo). This year, my Aunt, the woman who taught be how to ski is entering the last stage of her fight with cancer, and I am watching as a member of my community is also fighting glioblastoma.


On the day my Mom passed, December 5th, I am looking to do the waterskiers version of a polar plunge...taking my boat out of storage, dropping it in Webster lake and having people make donations for a run and some smores afterwards. I figure I will need a dock to borrow, and the club I ski with has given me tentative approval to use their property. Rightly so, they want to know what happens if someone is hurt. Is this something I can set up through USA Waterski?


Basically, I am looking for some advice and input if anyone has some.


Thank you!


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  • Baller

@"Keith Menard" you likely can set up a sanctioned practice event or Grassroots event which can provide AWSA insurance. Participants will need to be USAWSWS members and you can sign them up day of if needed.


Additionally, if the club already is a AWSA club, the general liability insurance should apply.


Either way I’d call Nate B at USAWSWS for more info and confirmation.

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  • Baller_

Agree, just lost B-I-L to same which also took his father years ago in same month.


There are several Polar Bear ski events that happen the first Saturday in December and generally all are promoting a good cause. Could certainly offer opportunity.

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