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Sanitizing boat surfaces


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  • Baller
What are you guys using to sanitize your boat surfaces? Dont want to ruin my upholstery with bleach or alcohol based cleaners. I normally only use 303 on my interior to clean . I'm thinking making everyone jump in the lake first before getting in. Only dealing with kids that live here on the lake and ski buddies I know.
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  • Baller

People jumping in the water would not help as if the person is asymptomatic they have the virus in them and will breath it out and be touching stuff. The UV light (sun) will help but if you have some hand sanitizer in the boat that might be the best I think as most likely transmission is hand to face outside. You could also just sanitize high touch areas on the boat, steering wheel if many drivers, glove boat etc.


Having said all of this is you spend time in close proximity time with someone who has the virus there is a chance for spread. Way less than indoors I would think but still a chance so something to consider of you are in contact with older people or your lake kids, ski buddies are also.







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  • Baller

@UWSkier As I mentioned in the other thread - I don't think people should react in any sort of positive way to that information. I'm watching daily for the published data to actual see it.


BUT - to reiterate - a half life means that half of the virus dies every X amount of time - where in that half life does it become safe?


Your boat with a bimini up shading the steering wheel on a 95 degree day with low humidity in arizona doesn't show up on that chart - but if the half life were to be say 30 minutes is that steering wheel contaminated for 4 hours? 6 hours?


How many half lives are required before it is safe to wipe sweat off your face when driving if there were corona virus on the surface.


I'll reiterate - the CDC/WHO are all showing much longer survival of the virus on surfaces which does not at all contradict those half life figures because technically when you do a half life something never truly fully goes away - so the question remains when does it become non-contagious.


And for a cleaner I'd recommend Fantastic - doesn't seem to bother sealants/waxes but is listed to clean surfaces. For a boat check out cleaners listed as safe for cleaning fiberglass or acrylic tub surfaces/corian/silestone etc.

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  • Baller

@UWSkier why should we have optimism from uncited not yet avillable research?


Rhinoceros are blue on the moon - the center for moon research algorithm has reported. They won't share the data yet but you should conduct your life as if there are blue rinoceri on the moon.


I say this as I had a gentleman at the home improvement store today berate me for wearing a n95 repirarator. I have provided direct care to a confirmed covid-19 positive individual this week.


We are both shopping for hardware - and he thinks I am bizarre to be wearing both an N95 and a sown mask - however I know I have directly been exposed to SARS-CoV-2 - but he's move informed than I am.

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  • Baller

You must be a hoot at parties... ?


Your dealer calls and says your new boat is there. Are you not optimistic about your new ski toy until you see it in person?


Nobody is saying to take this to the bank but reason for optimism is exactly what society could use more of right now.

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  • Baller

@UWSkier there is certainly room for optimism. However there are chaisms for misunderstanding and false optimism.


Based on the stats presented in that white house briefing and science I'd rather my steering wheel be covered in confirmed HIV positive blood than splattered with SARS-CoV-2 spittle. Based on survival of virus, transmissibility via oral/nasal/retinal mucosa, UV/head survivability - HIV is less stable and less transmissible in all of those scenarios.


So ya if its a party and the game is would you rather lick steering wheel A or B - and A might have covid-19 and B might have AIDs - you're safer licking B based on those stats. And not by any small margin - my stats would call it about 30 times safer to lick steering wheel Bon a boat parked in hot dry sunny environements. If you're talking survival maybe more if you can afford modern HIV treatment.

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  • Baller

Caveat - its hard to use data in these situations when there really isn't enough data re: covid published to do the math. I'm using what the WH briefing presented - which is not presented with any sort of value/unit/measurement.


To do these comparisons properly you'd need to have some threshold of what would be "infectious" amounts of pathogens for COVID. So ya maybe I'd be a debby downer if you're trying to play flip cup at a party.


But based on the very rudimentary knowledge my undergrad in cellular biology and immunology and profession in public health has provided me... I just think most of that the WH has provided is hot garbage.


Again I'd rather lick a known positive HIV sample that's been on a steering wheel for a few hours in the sun than my hand with an unknown COVID contamination.

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