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Damn Coronavirus!


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  • Baller

The truth is. The Enigma of Reason. According to their theory of reasoning, reason’s primary strengths are justifying beliefs we already believe in and making arguments to convince others. While this kind of reasoning helps us cooperate in a social environment, it does not make us particularly good at truth-seeking. It also makes us fall prey to a number of cognitive biases, like confirmation bias, or the tendency to search for information that confirms what we already believe.


Their ideas also help explain why politics seems to make us so bad at reasoning. If most of reasoning is for social cohesion instead of truth-seeking, then belonging to a particular political party should distort our reasoning and make us pretty bad at finding the truth.

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  • Baller
My group of 5 women is supposed to head to Big Sky, MT on Tuesday evening. I am concerned they will close the resort. The “hills” here in Michigan are closing tomorrow or are already closed. Skied at Boyne highlands today and it was pretty empty. No lift lines.
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  • Baller_
@UWSkier, you should be able to attach a PDF. There is an attach file button in the full site, browser-based version. I think it may work on phones or other mobile devices as well.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Check your winter snow ski plans. We just got cut one day short. All Vail resorts closed nation wide as of 15th. Others resorts to follow in other states. We were set to ski Loveland tomorrow. Just got the word...closed for rest of season. Edit. Just saw the above posts.
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  • Baller

@Wish Hope you get back home OK.

I was supposed to leave for Steamboat on Tuesday. But, by order of the Governor of Colorado, all ski resorts there are shutting down for at least 1 week. Probably more.

On the plus side, our local weather is in the 80s with low wind.

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  • Baller_

I hear that Swiss Ski School is reporting a loss of 1000 ski sets due to Corona. I heard this from a guest at Swiss, not management. I’ve had three groups cancel with me, but we still have a college team coming in this week.


If someone noted this earlier, my apologies: Corona virus hits hardest with the elderly and people that are already in a weakened condition. I am shocked to learn that “elderly” is defined as people over 60, which includes me! While skiing may not have many people with pre-existing conditions making then susceptible to the virus, we are densely populated with the “elderly.” Therefore, this virus could wipe out half of water skiing!


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  • Baller
@DaveD , agreed. The 5 of us were all texting this morning. However I am in a very foul mood. Plan B is to go down and ski with Seth for a couple of days. Drive down, through rural america possibly do some horseback riding in Kentucky to practice our social distancing. But it will only be 3 of us. Maureen was exposed to someone at work who was exposed to the virus and Angie is a nurse and if she goes out of state she has to be quarantined for 14 days upon her return regardless. I only got a credit on my airfare to use by October 29, 2020. Ugh. Still waiting for ascend properties to call me back about a refund on the condo.
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  • Gold Member
I would call it a truly shocking display of restraint that there hasn't been a LOT more political discussion in this thread. There's some profoundly delusional folks in this thread, but to avoid politics I won't say which ones :).
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  • Baller_
At Copper Mountain before it shut down, a skier told us they were keeping people in lift lines 6’ apart and if you were a single lift rider you’d be placed on a chair lift by yourself. Both creating some pretty long lift lines. Feel bad for the small business restaurants, rental shops and gift/art shops. Crushing to them. Domino affect.
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  • Baller

Some of the ski hills in the Beijing area are open again. I've heard from a close friend that Wanlong is open now as are two others but I don't know which hills. The point is Beijing is returning to work. The ski hills near Beijing were closed late January and now reopening Mid March.


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  • Baller

I was supposed to be on a plane heading to Orlando and TBS at this time. Instead I’m home watching the news about closing down everything in Greece, France and the rest of the world... bummer...

I just hope this will minimize deaths and hope that countries that been hit hard will recover soon.

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  • Baller
All restaurants/bars closed, all elective surgeries cancelled, all routine physical exam appointment and disease managment appointments cancelled, drive by Corvid testing. The streets are gonna be pretty quiet around here.
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  • Baller_
I hear the AWSA board is meeting tomorrow to determine whether to suspend the tournament season for some period of time. We have a tournament scheduled for the first weekend of April, which is still a go, as are the FSU and Ross Ski Academy tournaments the following two weekends. Absent cancelation by AWSA, I think we are all on a wait and see basis.


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  • Baller

@theboardingschool was perfect yesterday. My own personal lake. Two world champions in the boat @FWinter and @Manon_Costard so good to see you guys again! Sorry for the crap skiing. I think my legs must have been cooked from an extra 10 miles a day.

I wish I could say it’s early in the season but the truth appears to be, there is no season. Let’s all hope that’s not the way it goes,

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I've been avoiding this thread but if somebody would like to read something intelligent on the subject...



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  • Baller
Thank you @Horton that’s the intel that I was going on, but without actual numbers. When able to factor in cases not requiring hospitalization, it gives the actual numbers due weight. Obviously still a serious concern, especially for any elderly we may contact
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  • Baller

@Horton @aupatking It is not just the elderly that are affected some as young as 40 are having some serious issues in Italy. Yes the risk is higher with people that are older and have conditions but anyone with conditions is at a higher risk and even healthy people are a risk (albeit MUCH much lower).


I do agree that the Case Fatality Rate is going to lower but that it also going to be affected by the health care that is available for those that need it. In Italy now the systems are being overrun. This is going to happen elsewhere unless countries do comprehensive measures as suggested by the WHO.


This is not to say we should be in panic mode, but it is a very serious issue that should be considered as such. Not saying that was the intent of the post but lots of people are thinking this is just the flu and not a big deal and that is not the case.



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@mmskiboat My point of view is that thinking people in the world are trying to wrap their head around this thing and everybody else thinks it's going to be zombieland.


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