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Be spendy or frugal but do we have to talk about it?


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  • Baller

It seems like a lot of time and energy here is put into threads simply arguing for or against spending money on something. Stuff like:


- Who needs a boat upgrade? A 20 year old boat is great! Everything newer is a waste! Bubble back 4-lyfe

- Who needs EFI? Frivolous expense! Carbs FTW!

- Who needs a new rope? Old ropes rule! Folks did fine with old ropes!

- ZO is expensive! PP is fine! Hand throttle is even better!

- No need to pay for a performance ski! An old ski is fine! A new ski is a waste!

- And general pricing commentary for ANY item we use in this incredibly tiny, niche sport supported by small passionate companies that put a ton into the sport


Etc, etc etc. and so on and so forth. Guys, who cares? Some people have money and like to spend it. Some have money and hate spending it. Some just don't have the money either way. We all love the sport. I will irrationally spend, you will not. Do we need to go back and forth about it daily on BOS? Masterline has a new rope? Great. Buy it if you want one. Don't buy it if you don't want one. Same with new skis, engines, boats, etc.

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  • Baller_
@jhughes I gotta defend the skier on a budget here. Yep, I'm the bubble back boat, used skis and the like for life skier. I can run 38 on a good day...ok an insanely good day. If I can do it at that level on a shoe sting budget, anyone can. I have the same passion with a thinner wallet. I think it's healthy to discuss high costs in this sport. It can enlighten those that can't afford such things to really good alternatives. It gives manufactures a sense of who and perhaps how many are out there and what they are willing to spend. And I'm sure the manufactures have their big boy pants on and can take criticism quite well. Skiers on a budget actually make up a large portion of the sport. The non tournament skier that's in love with swerving open water or a non surveyed course behind their 1990 something. They are the grass roots that hook their buddies into the sport. They are the fresh out of college kid buying his or her first boat. Their comments should not be brushed aside as insignificant or whiny. There is the option to not read those threads.
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@jhughes interesting thread. With a sport as expensive as water skiing I don't think you can escape some of these conversations.


For guys who really ski a lot at a high level it's hard not to spend the money and still be committed. Skis are only good for so many rides ropes and ropes really do wear out and need to be replaced for safety. Also all ski are not all equal & finding the best ski for your skiing is hard. On the other hand boats are not as cut and dry. You can put together a perfectly good training tug for about a third the cost of a new boat.


I know some skiers are painfully frugal to the detriment of their performance and safety while other skiers just spend money irrationally. I think it would be an interesting game to try to invest (someone else's money) in the items that would make the most difference in thier personal performance.

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  • Baller_

@Wish, your performance on a budget leverages one key thing: daily access to a slalom course in front of your house on a lake with relatively controlled conditions.


Equipment upgrades and speed control won’t provide the benefit without the time on the water.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
@MISkier you're making my point. To find that level of access I looked long and hard and ended up with a fixer-upper. It's now payed off and worth more then 2x what paid. Again, if I can do it, anyone can. It just takes work and creativity...oh and a wife that's ok with a fixer-upper among other sacrifices like expensive cars. Hopefully BOS posters are willing to help those in need reach their dreams vs brushing them aside as second class citizens that can't afford the sport. BOS has been the best resource for me by far from gear to helping me trouble shoot my own boat. To @Hortons point. I think the lions share of skiers are somewhere between irrational spending and frugal to their detriment.
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  • Baller

I honestly like both of your points of view. I waste a large percentage of my expendable income on this sport, at least twice what I tell my wife I spend. Some things I buy off SIA and others straight from the dealer.

It may be a good idea to voice an opinion when something is priced outside of reason. On the other hand, for every damn thread on here to devolve into somebody complaining about something being too overpriced gets INSANELY ANNOYING. If you can’t afford it, buy it used or not at all.

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  • Baller_
@jhughes - "Guys, who cares". If somebody asks a question from your hit list, shouldn't we try to provide an insightful answer (not advocating an argument maybe just personal experience on how we all differently approached the topic to provide the OP the expert opinion of this hard core group of skiers)?
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All equipment driven sports are the same.


Everyone is chasing the next product, some because they have the ability to actually take advantage of it.

Some because they just want it, even though they have no chance of taking advantage of it.


Mountain biking: there are a lot of guys riding 8k bikes because it makes them faster, and there are a lot of guys riding 8k bikes because it makes them look cooler and they have the money.


Tennis: there are people with 4 or 5 250.00 rackets in there bag and gear, others with used ones they got for 50 dollars

Pickleball: I see guys with 4 or 5-100 dollar paddles in their 100 dollar bag.


If a masterline rope would give me more buoys I would buy it. But, alas my problem isn't with the rope.


If we didn't talk about costs, gluts, multiple personalities and funny videos in the winter what else would we talk about?:)


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  • Baller
I didn't read the OP as a criticism of either skiers on a budget, nor skiers who spend money. That said, @Wish simple solution "There is the option to not read those threads." However, @Horton reviews on 30 yr old skis are generally irresistible and there should be way more of those.
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  • Baller

The who cares part of the question I think is directed at to each their own...maybe I'm wrong on the posting intent, but certainly to each their own. I may not agree or understand it.


I always post the same crap; I'm after most bang for the buck with the least relative downside depreciation in any depreciable asset. This means not buying new cars or boats, but I'm dependent on those who do. I'm sure they love their new stuff, and I sure love it when their meticulous personality is done with it and wants a new one--cuz they kept theirs like new. It's all good.


Stay thirsty, my friends.

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Most of the blogs/rants regarding equipment etc., are beneficial. Some come with a grain of salt, but I enjoy the side commentary just the same and dream of the day that I could tell the difference in rope composition, .0001 DFT, driving technique or how the swing at 32 off is nirvana to most here.


As you said, we all love the sport. My love/passion/perception/goals etc. are different from everyone's. I hear ya @jhughes , I wouldn't want to be at the dock debating daily on these topics with guys who don't/won't/shouldn't or couldn't see the love or frustrations through my eyes. But that's what makes BOS great, I control the volume.


I'm blessed with having funds/spendy and cursed with very little water time. While I would never judge someone for their sacrifices or financial choices in pursuit of their passion, someone might. It's probably the same guy who judges me, a 15/22 offer with a Whisper Fin and a PowerVest (used on my 2nd set to get up/ski 6 full runs) behind a 06" PP boat.


@Ski2000, @MISkier answered your question....practice/coaching is the best use of cash -period. At least until the .000 thousandths DFT conversations are meaningful (as a 250lb. tail rider, I LOL at these caliper problems) or if skier/boater safety is questionable.


@ToddF spot on, +1.


@Jody_Seal In San Fran, you can pee in the street and not get cited. One drop of soap drops in the water here in So. Cal and you may go to jail. LOL

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  • Baller
This site cost me money regularly, ski reviews etc. But I've also avoided work promotions so that I could keep my flexible work schedule for ski time. If I had pursued the corporate ladder I might have been able to afford the lake front house and new boats. I try to live cheap, always buy used cars that I can pay cash on. Been in the same house since the early 90s. Have a used boat that I did a ZO upgrade on. Sometimes I wonder if I'd been better off pursuing the big buck career.
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  • Baller
My pet peeve are the ones spending the equivalent amount of money as for a house and quibbling and questioning whether they should spend the extra thou on some gadget option on it. Just get it with everything! You're already spending a fortune. It's a luxury toy. Sparing that thou will barely make a difference in the overall expenditure. Get over it.
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  • Gold Member
I can appreciate both worlds. Dad was a promo guy and, yes - I had the "Body Glove" purple/teal Nautique in 199x (be jealous!). Skied College. Been out of the game many years. Moved out to the east coast. College buddy starts a ski company. Desperately search for a club nearby to have fun again. Find a guy with a '91 Nautique in the brackish water of Chesapeake Bay still battling the locals on his course legalities - couldn't be a better human. Long story short - this sport is obviously a community of amazing people - first and foremost. But, we can't keep it going without the influx of stuff? Amiright?
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