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JaredSmith is Scot Chipman. He is banned again and all of his content has been deleted.


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Last time this happened I did not name names and tried not to be a dick about it but now I am pissed. Scot relentlessly uses fake accounts to ask leading questions and start conversations to promote his views. At times he even has his fake accounts talk to each other to keep the conversation going.
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Well that is bizarre. The "actual" Scot Chipman always seemed like a pretty reasonable guy. Oh well. No sympathy if indeed he was acting as you describe.


The silver lining is I may never again have to explain that Dave Nelson's work was super-interesting but did not "mathematically prove" anything. :)

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  • Baller
I was thinking the last couple days "who is this guy?" super funny,...think I will start another account and have argument with myself like I do in my head daily...spice things up a bit around here...or hack @skidawg account and start telling @horton he is a better beer drinker and skier :D
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  • Baller
From my experience reading forums, it seems that majority of people who post frequently, like to 'open their mouths to hear themselves talk' so to speak, without either answering a direct question or providing any value to the post. But, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night......
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  • Baller_

My wife has multiple personalities, can she have multiple accounts??

She also likes to talk to me during sex! Just last week she called me from the motel!!

Just ask my doctor Bennie Birnbaum he chimed in on the conversation!

I tell ya, I cant get no respect!!



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  • Baller
Someone who does this kind of thing is not a trustworthy person. It is very likely that his underhanded behavior is not confined to seeing if he can trick members of a forum. All of you who have to deal with Chipman in real life should be on guard. It is also likely that Chipman will try to breech this forum again. But it sounds like @Horton has his number and will be able to quickly catch him when he tries again.
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I am actually both @adamhcaldwell and @AdamCord. I sell science-based skis and fin/wing products out of MN while running 41 in my free time...tho my skis are actually designed manufactured by a pair of other skiers.


I have knowledge of the physics of water skiing that few have, and I talk to myself incessantly.


I have fooled @horton all of this time, earning the triple panda under my other alias @6balls. The ruse is that I portray myself as an aging 47 year-old guy whose spine is falling apart and whose ski partners have moved away.


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  • Baller

Hey Everybody,

I'm one of the folks who knows Chipman on a personal level. He and I have chatted about this exact issue even. I'm not trying to be his personal lawyer on here or anything like that, but thought I might just remind everybody that there are always two sides to every story, and the reminder that there is a human on the other side of this who probably can still read most of this, so please be careful about unkind things you might throw his way. Also a reminder that he is and has been a very valuable member of the waterskiing community for a long time and has done a lot of things to encourage and grow the sport and get and keep people involved in slalom skiing.


Again, I'm not saying Horton is wrong to terminate the account or anything - no way I could possibly know enough to say something like that, I'm just saying, remember to be nice to a guy who is one of us after all.


And on that topic, he asked me to post his ski for sale on here a while back and I totally forgot and now I totally feel like a horses patoot.



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@escmanaze I have banned him THREE different times in the last year. He brought it on himself. I am sure Scot thinks I have wronged him & has a story about how he is innocent. I do not see it & am not interested in debating it. I just want him to go away.
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@horton, just mildly curious. can you tell us what got him banned initially and if the subsequent bans were for creating fake accounts or were there other transgressions? "FAKE", now there is a word we've all become intimately familiar with in the past three years! And I'm fine should you choose not to divulge.
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@So_I_Ski I am glad you asked. That needs to be clarified for everyone who has not followed this.


Never has Scot been banned for anything he specifically wrote under his own name. I do not care for the way he manipulates conversations but that is not a reason to get banned.


The original issue was that he was posting under three accounts. At times he would post from all three accounts in the same thread and pretend to talk to himself. I could clearly see that the three accounts all used the same IP address. His defense was that he, his wife and a friend all use the same PC to read and comment on BallOfSpray. I believe at one point he said that sometimes he posted for his friend. Bottom line was is that he was using the three accounts to boost conversations that he agrees with.


The second time he was doing basically the same thing.


The third time he was using a fake name. Turns out there are actually 3 USAWS members named Jared Smith. The email for the account was something like TexasJared@gmail.com. I forget the actual address but it had “Jared” and “Texas” in the email. Turns out there is a Jared Smith from Texas in the USAWS database. I wonder what the real Jared thinks.


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  • Baller

People who do this kinda thing have very, very boring lives.


Borderline psychotic.

But most of all I think they are losers lacking real human connections and are “playing around” in here for the attention that is lacking in their daily lives.


May they all be caught, banned and thus relieving us from wasting anymore time reading and responding to their tripe.

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