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Nate Smith article Washington Post


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  • Baller

Damn @A_B maybe re-read your post.... I dont know you but I have to ask... do you really believe what you wrote? you are comparing similar aged peer relations with acts of violence and sexually inappropriate behavior. and if you need a professional to explain the difference ask me.... I work on these cases for a living.


"I have no idea what the pattern of a sexual predator looks like, and unless you are on the crime task working sexual predator cases, I doubt anyone on here does as well, unless you want to claim you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express...


My kids are now 28 and 25 and when they went through junior and senior high school I was shocked at some of the stories of sexual activity by their peers. My son told me numerous times how girls came onto him, "hundreds" of times. (He is a stud athlete and a good looking guy).


I am not judging either side as we do not know all the facts so will need to rely on the people who did the investigation.


You also have to realize there are parents out there that will blame everyone and everything else before their miss goodie two shoes is held accountable. I am not saying that is the case here, as we just don't know. Some of those text streams should have stopped abruptly by the offended party in my opinion. And don't tell me these girls didn't know what they were messing around with. Like the girl who went up to Mike Tyson's hotel room at 2 am. Duh.


There is like 500K pregnancies under age 16 in America, are we to believe those were all due to sexual predation?? Some of you guys must have your heads so wrapped around the next buoy you don't see the world we are living in."

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  • Baller

@UCFskier have you seen the investigative work done on this case? So when you work on a case and don't charge the alleged perpetrator, should we all second guess your work as well?


I guess if "hearsay" counts as enough evidence for the House of Representatives to try to impeach a sitting US President, than surely it is good enough to hang a water skier with. That is the environment we are living in..


If you don't think that young girls are not sexually active at a younger age than ever before, you better do some more investigation. Those text messages were not one-sided, although I did not read through the whole story, which in my opinion, was written or inspired by someone with an axe to grind in the first place.



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  • Baller

Op ed much? His references that I saw were from people that obviously shared his same opinion which was pretty obvious in the short scan I did read.


Again; read my post. There was no crime committed according to the law, yet some of you guys feel the need to keep banging the drum. Really starting to sound like Mad Maxine or Schiff.


Are we to believe they were all protecting Nate Smith because he runs short rope?

Newsflash! Our sport isn’t on anyone’s radar.

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  • Baller
@A_B its not the sport (waterskiing) that drew attention... Ill agree with you on that.... why did this garner attention? why was there a safe sport sanction? And as I said in prior posts if your comfortable with the actions Mr. Smith was sanctioned for feel free to send your daughter or grand daughter there....
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I give up. I have reverted back to the security structure where only USAWS or IWWF members can post in some threads.
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  • Baller
I actually saw a bible quote in this discussion somewhere, a freaking bible quote. On that note I reckon an appropriate atheist/humanistic counter quote would be in order and one that would appear to be more relevant to this discussion.... ” The whole problem with the world today is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell
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  • Baller

At least it’s being talked about. Just because the waterski governing bodies and his remaining sponsors seem care less.... doesn’t mean we have to brush it under the carpet.


It’s sad to think that some members feel this guy has been done wrong. Hopefully no one close to you is ever a victim of domestic violence or a predator.



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  • Baller

I take issue with what a previous commenter said:


"I have no idea what the pattern of a sexual predator looks like, and unless you are on the crime task working sexual predator cases, I doubt anyone on here does as well ..."


That's actually not true. The SafeSport training pretty exhaustively identifies these patterns and highlights things to look for. Just burying your head in the sand and saying "welp, who knows, who are we to judge, amirite?" is not an excuse for inaction and in fact helps predators continue to get away with things.

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  • Baller

to paraphrase @A_B

if them dang kids weren't so aggressive with there darn'd sexual behaviour and leading folks on none of this craziness would have happened....

age has very little to do with any of this... being in a position where their is a power discrepancy is.... if you are a coach or a leader it is your own responsibility to ensure these boundaries do not get crossed.

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@MillerTime38 I'm pretty sure that any discussion about the existence or non-existence God is not about water skiing.
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  • Baller
@MillerTime38 no, I also typed humanistic which can be used interchangeably with Agnostic as no one was 100% sure of what he believed. I agree with @horton that the belief or non belief of God is irrelevant in this particular forum which is precisely why I was shocked to see a bible quote and then a mic drop as if that settles all issues. Uncertainty is part of life and it’s those who are the most certain to be aware of.
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Gentlemen this thread is about the single most divisive subject in the history of the sport. Conversations about theology or philosophical ideology are all off way topic. Just NO.


@Brewski I deleted your post for the above reasoning.

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