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  • Baller

There was no smarta$$ @The_MS comments and no @Horton cracking jokes @Dirt to keep us entertained. All joking aside I’m getting a feeling it might’ve had something to do with a current hot topic here?


*disclaimer I’ve never met the guys above but a good snarky MS response is hard to pass up.

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  • Baller
But I also believe that the discussions like the recent ones about Mr. Smith do not belong in this forum. These issues are court or organization based and belong in an organized fashion where all parties involved, for the most part, none of us, can discuss and resolve. In my opinion, this discussion has sounded a like vigilante justice, without regard to hearing from all but more importantly to me, do not belong in social media.
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  • Baller

@John Brooks I respectfully disagree. I spend a lot of money on this sport, and I may be interested in where companies I give my hard-earned money to stand on important issues. I have children in this sport, and I may be interested in learning whose behavior poses a potential threat to them. I am a big fan of pro skiing, and who I root for may involve factors other than performance on the water.


This is a big issue for this sport (and many other sports and, well, society in general). I wouldn't be interested in a forum that purposely only focused on the small issues.

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  • Baller
@jcamp I agree with all your points, my point is that the judgment of anyone does not belong here. After the judgment has been rendered, just as @Horton did by providing the public information from SafeSport, that is fine, but not for the discussion and finding of guilty or not guilty in this forum.
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  • Baller

@jcamp I personally respect anyones view, we are all entitled to choose what actions we decide to take on various issues, it is a indvidual thing, however I personally do not think this Forum should be used to apply pressure upon sponsors to carry out certain actions, that is not the purpose of this Forum in my eyes, if you want to lobby sponsors at various events, present them with a petition and a list of names, that support your point of view, then you will have my full support, for me that is the way to go.

I am with @John Brooks on this matter.

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  • Baller

The "topic" concerning Nate is certainly uncomfortable, but it is that very fact that makes people downplay the stories that victims tell or worse, prevents victims from coming forward at all.

There is an old saying that sunlight is the best disinfectant. My personal thought is that provided that people keep their posts civilized, it is critically important that this issue is openly discussed and analysed.

I understand why @Horton has concerns about this topic degrading into a gossip column. Having said that, let's all be grown up enough to approach the topic with the maturity that the victims deserve.

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  • Baller

@bojans so of course there was a lot of very public/aggressive conversation about the above topic, it is mostly what killed skifly - not all of it but most of it.


I didn't go over to witness but as clear as I can tell, parties who felt as if there was content they didn't want posted on the site put influence on the site moderators to both remove posts as well as obtain IP addresses from the posters. They then hired a firm to investigate those posts, the IP addresses and provided a list of individuals whom they thought had something to do with generating the posts


This gets into an interesting aspect of the law, should the moderator of a forum provide the details of the person who posted on their site anonymously or should they have protected that content? Do we expect people who moderate online message boards to bother obtaining legal advice and representation prior to responding to requests for information? Does said information request need to be a subpoena.


Either way I think the bulk of posters on that site disappeared in the aftermath and then eventually the moderators just decided to shut it down.


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  • Baller
I think it’s fine to discuss. Nate was suspended by safesport.... it’s out there. Even with a measly 3 month suspension there should be huge red flags and discussion. He is continuing to coach, attend events, etc.
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What's said here by an accomplished nationally ranked skier is pivotally important*



Name: Lauren Morgan


Professional Waterski Jumper – Ranked 5th in the World

MA Criminology Specialization in Victimology

PhD student

2014 Fantasy Football Champ


Statement for Jamie Allman


First off, I’d like to thank you Jamie for shedding light on this important issue in the Water ski community. While waterskiing is not a major sport or organization, we have been seriously impacted by an issue that has affected many and has far reaching implications for society as a whole. Waterskiing is near and dear to my heart and to many others and I admire you recognizing our concerns. I have been waterskiing and competing since age 9 and I have absolutely witnessed inappropriate and uncomfortable behavior in my 17 years of participating in the sport. This is not uncommon.


While I am not comfortable speaking on this issue directly over live radio broadcast, I wanted to provide a few words on the importance of perceptions and organizational environments. As you have heard waterskiing is a wide reaching, family sport that encompasses many loving and caring people. I think it is important to highlight how an organization’s ability to talk about issues like sexual misconduct, abuse and coercive behaviors can dramatically increase a victims propensity to open up about these issues. Over the past year our governing body has provided useful information and has provided Safesport as a resource to disseminate important information. This is a call to the water ski community to utilize these resources and to embrace talking about and confronting instances of sexual harassment and abuse. We need to create a “safe” zone where our members can feel supported when going through an uncomfortable and often traumatic experience.


I want to encourage our members and individuals outside of the sport to welcome these discussions and provide spaces for healthy deliberations. In the future we cannot stay silent when there are victims who need advocates and a supportive community.

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I think you guys that were not personally attacked or did not have friends personally attacked / slandered on SkiFly misunderstand how bad it was for the sport. I am getting a lot of crap about how I am running this site at the moment but every person that posts controversial things here is a known person. A few anonymous trolls on SkiFly made shit up about me to the point that I had to defend myself to my business partners. It could have cost me tens of thousands of dollars. It certainly cost me a lot of sleep.


If you think that is ok then I do not want you in this site. You can just show your self out.

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@BraceMaker Skifly决定分享他们的同事不喜欢的帖子的IP地址。他们与之分享的人随后对自己和他人提出指控,甚至直接给我发了一封电子邮件,指责我这样做。我回答说我不知道​​他在说什么,然后他声称我的回复电子邮件是他的一封“未经请求的”电子邮件。


他说服另一个人让IAC去调查我试图阻止我去年被提名为35+世界队。这个人问IAC,如果我没有给团队命名,不仅要保留我自己,Brenda Nichols和Kyle Tate甚至不能作为独立人士参加比赛。 IAC最初的回应是,他们只能处理我自己,因为我正在为团队考虑,而且他们无法控制独立人士。


请求IAC调查的人甚至无法提供他指控我发布的帖子的副本,也不能向他们提供相应的IP地址。 IAC必须从Skifly请求该信息。因此,IAC无法提供任何“证据”,只能进行调查,IAC继续进行调查。





马修肖 - 我的兄弟,自1996年以来已经去世




地狱,John Horton的名字就在那份名单上。















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@mshaw200 I am sorry there is too much going on this week for that whole episode to reemerge as a topic here.


If anyone wants to convert the chinese back to english they should be able to read the original post.

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@horton believe me I don't want to revisit it, it was absolutely horrible to deal with. People that I've known for years not even giving me the courtesy of reaching out to me directly to ask if any of it was true, they all just believed the loudmouth that started it. Hell I ended up having to compete at Worlds with f-ing shingles because of all of the stress. Someone brought up IP addresses, I wanted the story to be correct and with your comment on being personally attacked I thought it was appropriate.
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  • Baller

At this point Guy,s & Gals I believe the the Number of good people in our sport, far out weigh,s the small minority that are not so good, let,s move forward with the positive force and leave the negative odour in our tracks.

Oscar Wilde

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

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