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  • Baller

This is a thread that you don't want to post in...but s... happens!

Post here if you're hurt or enable to ski because injuries.

Bonus points for videos or pix of stitches or blood!

I'll start.

I qualified for Canadians Natls last week (second carreer tournament) and was training hard.Had skied 34 of the last 35 mornings and was getting solid at 32 off with a steady 2 balls @35 off.

I broke forward at 2ball,thought

that i was back in good enough position to at least turn3 but i was wrong.

3 broken ribs and i'll miss the Natls in 3 weeks...

Very very painful in both ways...

35 off @ 34 mph.


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
Daaaang! Bummer on the injury and missed tournament, but congrats on qualifying tho! Currently on the injured list as well with shoulder/neck injury from going over the front. Injuries are never fun to deal with, especially in the middle of the season.
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  • Baller


OMG that brings back nightmares! Virtually identical break for me back in 2003.

I still think of that day every single time I feel the pull from the boat. Keeps you honest and focused. All the best on your return to the water.

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  • Baller
@Andre I had a very similar fall a few months ago on my opener pass. Hit the wakes a little stiff, bounced and landed weird. I didn't hurt anything like you did but it was a total surprise and left me hurting for few days. It happened so fast, I need to put a note on tip of ski to stay focused.
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  • Baller

Season ended July 7th for me. Exactly 52 weeks to the day when I collapsed my lung

Last year ( posted in “ man down”) .. Lung was spontaneous; broken able happened at a fall approaching 2 ball.

14 set in 3 years...enjoy it for those who can!





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  • Baller
Stabbed myself with a reciprocating saw. Kneeling in the ground cutting some wood and it kicked up and came straight down into my leg. Couldn’t get my finger off the trigger so it got me twice while running. Two 3” deep holes but only one entrance hole. I got really lucky. 5 stitches and they sent me home but it’s going to take awhile for the muscle to heal enough to ski.
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  • Baller

Did my ribs in as well as well @Andre. Eastern Regionals this weekend I was planning on skiing to get my rating back... like you was feeling great on the water, finally!


6 days in now and feels worse than the start but better than yesterday. 3 days in Chicago partying for a stag over the weekend probably didn't help any but it did kill the pain for a bit! feeling too old for that too!


did you get xrays or just a physical exam? I've bruised ribs before skiing and its been a 2-3 week wait to ski, 2-3 months pain free. I know they say 4-6 weeks for fractures.

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  • Baller


Ya they did the X rays for fractures but it was more for the lungs to make sure a rib didn't punctured one. Fifth day now and the pain and discomfort is down 30-40% i'd say.

Diladid (sp) is good stuff for pain and the Naproxen help the inflammation of muscles around the ribs.

16 days before the Natls.We'll see a few days before if it's doable...Thinking that a good sports taping would help too.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller


How are you doing?

Tried to ski this morning 15 days after my crash and the deepwater start was way too painful to continue and had to let go.With the Natls being next friday,don't think i'm gonna make it.

Very frustrating as the Natls are really close to me this year and i was training hard...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
@Andre I'm doing well. Haven't been doing any sports though. Still sore to the touch but everyday movement isn't painful like it was for the first week or so. I'm going to try and ski Monday. Will be almost 3 weeks since the injury. My physio said 4-6... Plan to take it essy.! Keep resting and you'll be back on the water. Nats sounds like it will be great, go hang out and have fun talking skiing!
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  • Baller
I typically wait until I can do a chin-up before I try to ski again. Takes 2-3 weeks normally for me. Ribs haven't actually broken, but they did separate from the cartilage. I thought they were broken because of the popping sound it made if I pushed on anything. But doctor said that popping/crackling sound usually means it's not broken and is just cartilage. Seems like I take a hard rib fall once a summer. I even tried a mold-able rib protector once, but the life jacket turned almost inside out, which cause the hard rib protector to flip up, causing it's hard edge to ram into my ribs. That was a 4 week recovery, and I still have a bump there.
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  • Baller

@Andre sheesh, that’s so disappointing. With the Nats so close and you’re skiing so well,... crap.

Sometimes the universe is an asshole.


Deep water start is probably the toughest part of your set with broken ribs. My son broke one hitting a tree last winter, still feels it. Take care, let it heal and I’d much rather see you at Nats again kicking -35’s butt.


Us old-ish guys gotta stick together.


Be well André.

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  • Baller

Thanks @GaryWilkinson !

As much i would like to ski,the pain was just too much.

But i plan to being on the sidelines cheering for you that next friday.

I'll be the one with a pink Spandex suit with'' Go Gary Go!'' written on it! ;)


Are you going there on thursday too ? I may be there (big maybe) starting thursday at lunch...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

I once pop one right back in place(toe was looking like a''Z'') after a fall where my toes hit the ski, boat was back to pick me up and skied right away again.



Edit:Was dislocated obviously not broken.There was pain for a few days but skiable.Rear foot with RTP.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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4 ball at 28 did me in. I've never run 28 and this pass was earlier to 3 than I ever have been. Pulled my guts out to keep the momentum going into 4 and then not sure what happened. Both tibia and fibula broken down low. Luckily a very clean break and no hardware, but my already short Michigan season was cut even shorter.




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  • Baller

@SpartanSki Ouch! So no surgery? Like you said,it was a perfect storm.Probably no bindings would have prevent this...

If you feel the need to go dancing,i've got a matching boot i can send you!

Good luck and heal well!

Do your physio religiously when time comes!

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
I can't compete with the carnage shown here, but my injury is both mental and physical. I'm not sure which is worse. Went skiing last Thursday after work. I purposely didn't take my jumpers, so I wouldn't risk getting hurt before my Denali C75 arrived on Friday. Had an OTF heading to the 2 ball at 28 and broke 2 ribs. You cannot imagine the mental pain I am still enduring looking at that new ski just taunting me from the corner. Probably going to be a couple of more weeks before I can try it.
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  • Baller

@Taperflex Remember ,don't sneeze or cough...or laugh to hard!

6 weeks in after breaking 4 ribs and still not ready to ski.Some pain in certain movements.Aiming for next week end for an end -of -season rush and will not push too much as another hard fall on my ribs would be really painful.

Hoping for warm september!

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
Anyone ever deal with ribs getting moved out of place and associated intercostal spasms and pain? Been having this sporadically this year. Pain is in the front of the chest, but the rib displacement is actually on back. My PT has fixed this for me about 4x this summer. Learning how to self-treat with the foam roller... but it's bonkers. Especially painful if it's the first rib.
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  • Baller

My ribs didn't moved but i had intercoastal spasm for 5 weeks.Painful to say the least.It slowly dissapeared 10 days ago and having started PT this week i didn't have one yet since.

It was explain to me like pinch nerve between ribs...

Good luck getting rid of this!

When was the original impact?


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

@Carl I highly recommend that you do NOT have the injection, I had Plantar Fasciitis real bad at one point, so bad I opted to have a injection to try and calm it down, I didn,t realise the injection was administered directly into the heal, I have never experienced pain like it, when I shouted out JESUS ! the Doctor replied " He's not going to help you " I went back for the second injection, was on the couch ,the doctor was just about to inject , I got up and said that I just could't do it, imagine standing on a nail with your heal, I brought special shoes which helped, never move around without footwear, I think bare feet on hard surface like tiles does not help, stay off of ladders.

There are contraptions you can wear overnight to keep the foot stretched a little, awkward to sleep in though.

Good Luck, it is not nice hope it gets sorted soon.

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  • Baller
@Andre it seems to happen if I've been sitting a lot, especially in plane seats after a bunch of skiing. I do about 150k miles/year flying. Only one I've ever moved on a crash is my first rib on a whiplash OTF last year (repeated this year). Makes checking your blind spot when driving impossible.
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  • Baller

@Carl my podiatrist recommended against injections for Plantar Fasciitis.


I have a back problem flaring up again. I have pain radiating down through my right glute a bit to the knee. Very frustrating for me I haven’t been healthy enough to really ski for close to 5 years. This year I was only running 30 mph and my body is still broken. This is despite working out all winter.


I may have to go back to playing golf. While I have some pain my body seems to hold up much better to that :(



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I'm on the injured list... Saturday of fathers day weekend had a good slalom run in the morning, towed the family around for a few hours on skis, wakeboards and tube, and then took a couple runs on my new HO Hovercraft. That thing is fun--but I pushed it too hard trying to jump the wake and crashed flat on my side after a wonky landing. Pretty sure I've got two cracked ribs. Was in moderate pain for the rest of the day, real pain the day two, and day three was misery. Today is day four and it's a little better than yesterday, but but I'm aware of it at all times and amy movement brings pain and there is no mistaking when the Ibuprophen wears off... I'm working on being ok with missing a big chunk of the precious lake season here in WI...
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  • Baller

Add me to the list. First run of the season, just three turns in. Was taking it easy, trying to ease into it and get warmed up. Not pushing it at all. Don't know what happened but kind of went OTF coming out of offside turn (LFF). The ski kind of jammed which caused me to fall forward and load the tibia on my front (left) leg and I heard or felt something pop. Left ankle hurting. Not a lot of pain but enough to know I wasn't going to be able to ski any further and needed to get the ski off. That was a bit difficult and a little painful.


Later on, there was quite a bit of swelling and some bruising below the inside ankle bone despite repeated icing and keeping it compressed and elevated. A retired doctor from a few cabins down looked at it and said I needed x-rays so drove me into town an hour away and then waited a few hours with me in the Hospital ER while I got x-rayed. I owe him one.


Apparently, I broke or sheared the tip of the tibia off the inside of the ankle bone and it may require surgery. A "malleolar" fracture of some type. Not sure yet which. I suspect it's a medial malleolus transverse fracture. They said I must see an Ortho Surgery specialist ASAP but he's in another town a little more than 2 hours away. Not yet sure yet how I will get there; left foot is useless and I drive a stick shift. Can't work the clutch. Will find a way I guess.


At any rate, it's pretty clear my season is done before it really even started. So disappointed. Had big plans and high hopes for this season. Damn! :(

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  • Baller
Sorry to read this @DangerBoy . Just at the beginning of the fun... In our group,injured become designated drivers independant of who's boat we're using.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

Went to see the Ortho Surgeon June 30th. Had to drive ~200 Km total to see him driving my stick-shift car with a busted left (clutch foot) ankle. No problem in the aircast. X-rays checked out great. A textbook Lateral Malleolar fracture with no displacement/everything perfectly in place for healing. No need for fibreglass cast and no need for any deck screws to be drilled into my malleolus and tibia. Doc said, "Keep on wearing the aircast and keep on doing what you're doing. If you want, make another appointment to see me in 3-5 weeks but if you don't want to that's okay too. Should take around 6 weeks to heal." I said I'd do it in 4. ;)


I think the injury date was June 24. Ankle is doing well and am not using crutches anymore as of July 3. Using the aircast as a walking cast and not feeling any issues with the ankle at all. Just making sure to walk carefully everywhere I go and to not overload that ankle when I'm going up/down stairs. Sleeping with the aircast off seems to allow swelling to go down and my foot and ankle feel much better in the mornings.


Seems I got "lucky" with this injury. It could've been much, much worse as ankle fractures can get really nasty and complicated. No good luck goes unpunished, however, as the clutch failed on my car just as I got started on my way home from my cabin yesterday. I'm now stranded at my cabin and the car is now at a dealership 60 km away waiting for me to find the parts for it because they (the GM Dealership) can only get the parts for this particular car (one of theirs from 2008) in 3 - 4 frickin' weeks. The clutch kit is available in a warehouse somewhere in the US but apparently, the only way GM can transport it to help out a stranded GM car owner in Canada is "el burro" so that's why it's gonna take 3 weeks to a month to get here. I love how GM goes out of its way to help its customers. ;)

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