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32, 35, 38, 39 & 4@41 (not really)


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  • Baller_
Practice PB?? All time greatest ski ever?? That's next level skiing for you is it not? Really worth skiing on anything else.?. Should be a yes yes yes and a no. If this doesn't make Caldwell have sleepless nights trying to keep up with orders, I don't know what will. Cord can start designing graphics vs skis cause the C75 is spot on to get Horton then far down 41. No need to fiddle with perfection.
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How dare you guys question my accomplishment! I said it was 4.5 @ 41. What gives you the right to scrutinize my score?


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@thager I do not need to explain my self to you. If you think I am full of shit you don't need to read my web site.
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@Than_Bogan what do you mean long game? This is a video of my greatest ski ride ever. How dare you suggest there could be some other truth or agenda.
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@ms my gate is awesome. But that is way off topic. Dr. Jim moved his buoys. I guarantee my buoys are within world record of tolerance. ( Balls are anchored in the bottom of the lake with five gallon concrete blocks and certified as within record tolerance)


You are banned.

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@Bruce_Butterfield are you some sort of elitist? Just because the score is 8 1/2 buoys above my USA waterski average does not make it in any way implausible. I find your scrutiny to be ugly and intolerant. You are clearly a terrible human being.
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  • Baller_

I believe you John. This is top performance for someone short, having a weird gate for a righty and skis on a diff ski or settings often. All naysayers should be banned. And you should use a rope without color markings from now because clearly this hostile audience is color blind. This practice run COUNTS. No need for any further scrutiny like this on a public forum. I'd be insulted as well.





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@adamhcaldwell the ski ride is really 32, 32, 35, 35, and 4 1/2 at 38. This is a little bit of sarcasm to say that just because people claim some score doesn't mean it's true.
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