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Finding a Slalom Course


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  • Baller
Course is way offline from where it was last used due to a "lost" section. Course was up for maintenance when a wally took it out at approximately the gate. End of season so it got anchored and submerged.
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  • Baller
Sounds scary, but might have to try it. Last fall you could see the balls submerged in the shallower end of the course, about 8' under. Course was in about 25' of water. I fear the balls deflated over the winter and its stuck somewhere on the bottom.
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  • Baller

Are there any scuba divers around? Buy them dinner to find it. They may enjoy a “reason” to have to dive...

We have done the anchor drag many many times. Need two people, so one can hold rope and feel it better. Unless you have a pontoon, then idle backwards and drag anchor from the front. Do-able.

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  • Baller
One of my friends made up a huge treble hook with the very tips, last 3", bent outwards. We attach an old slalom rope and handle and then drag back and forth for it. It works great! We pull the balls of in the fall and reattach once we hook the mainline. Water depth rangers from 40-80'. I don't know how to post a pic,
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  • Baller
Thanks all. I am going to borrow a fish finder and then try the "hook" method. Coincidentally, I asked a friend on the lake to see about borrowing a fish finder. The fisherman he asked grunted and replied that we could borrow his setup - he had marked because he was sick of getting caught up in it.
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  • Baller
Drag back and fourth with a grappling hook. I made a grappling hook from a 4 pieces of rebar bent up in a U shape welded together. Drag that across where the mainline would be and you'll find it. That is how I find my course every spring.
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  • Baller
So, Stx22, how did you make out? Here is a feel good, encouraging story for you, if you havent found it yet. This thread was well timed as the previous week I lost a course. Real kicker is, it isnt my course to lose, I have had full time custody of it for a few years, but still, not mine. You know the story, its like a piece of exercise equipment, someone bought it, decided it was too much fuss, so it sat for about 10 years. So I deploy it and retrieve it since HOA rules say it cant stay out. This year, ski partner and I decide to take the balls off and let it sink, with one buoy about 5 feet deep marking one anchor. To test finding it, we circled around the lake once and came back to "the spot" and couldnt find the buoy to save our lives. In subsequent days we both searched with masks, no luck. Based on this thread, I went and bought a $7 grappling hook off ebay. I know kind of where to go since I had a GPS waypoint, but as we know, phone GPS coordinates are less than great. Day one, I did about 7 transects where the mainline should be. Nothing except an extremely heavy log, I am guessing, because it never made it to the surface. Went back about a week later and did about 7 more transects. Bingo, found it. Hauled in mainline, pulled back to anchor. Marker ball was still on the anchor tensioning line, no idea why it disappeared from surface view, but it was there when I pulled the anchor up. I didnt mention, the shallow end of the course was at about 30 feet, deep end, 40 to 50 feet. Moral of the story, I think I will continue to deploy/retrieve the "not my" course from now on. A few stressful weeks there.
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  • Baller

75Tique, glad you found "yours." I used a 35 lb river anchor which I used to gently drag in the vicinity I remembered last seeing it. Got lucky and found it in about 5 minutes. It is a submersible course that had been sitting for a couple of years in pretty rough shape. After two mornings of serious labor and little fussing today it is operational. Got to ski it this morning! Definitely a relief.


On a related note: does anyone know how to set a waypoint in zero off (I think it can be done) and/or if it is an effective way to find a fill valve?

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