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Slalom course and public waters


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I live in Nebraska and am wanting to drop a course in public water but the fish and game warden has told me the course was dangerous to leave in and that we'd probably never get a permit for it to be in the lake. I'm trying to find out from others that have received permission in there state how they went about doing just that. I think I need as much input as I can get so I can have as much ammo as I can. Its the state parks and recreation that has to issue the permit. So please if you respond give me as much as you know so I can put together a great presentation.


I know there are plenty of lakes that have courses in such as Lake Utah, Shasta Lake as well as plenty that are set in the deltas of California.


Any information on this topic would be appreciated

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  • Baller

@Stiles my experience has been working with whoever has control of the lake for permits. Where I am the local club spent a lot of energy convincing the utility company who controls the lake and the local marine commission of the value to the lake and community. That club also did a nice job of building PR, such as learn to ski events open to the public and financial contributions to various lake related causes. They ended up getting permits for 3 courses on one large public lake, although 2 of the courses, due to location, needed to be submerged when not in use.


In addition, @JeffSurdej, my opinion I would like to see AWSA and USA Waterski spend a lot of energy building programs that promote courses on public lakes. I think when USA Waterski is looking for member benefits, this is an important investment and feature. Maybe building a "program in a box" to help local groups understand and give some step by step guidance to help in the permitting process. I believe the key to growing our sport is building access on public water.

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@John Brooks, I wholeheartedly agree. AWSA/USAWS or whatever the name du jour is, should provide a "kit" for making presentations to assist permitting. Also I agree that the growth/maintaining of the sport lies in public exposure not private sites.
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  • Baller
@Stiles send me a message if you want all the documents we put together to get a course permitted on public water in Wisconsin. I'm sure its a little different in Nebraska but you may be able to use some of the narratives etc if you really want to go for it.
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  • Baller

@MS You’re right, every time I’m on I-80 the dig sites seem attractive to me. Not a lot to stop the wind though. If you put some Layla d Cypress trees in they would grow fast and provide excellent wind protection.

Could start a trend!

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  • Baller
Our body of water was going unused. Getting permission was a non issue. At one time we formed a ski club through USA waterski and insurance was provided as part of the club. Not sure if that is still the way it works but having insurance as a “club” would definitely help. Have some video available of how skiing in a course actually works. Most people have no idea of how controlled of an environment we exist in. We aren’t a bunch of idiots making huge waves while driving in circles.
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  • Baller
Agree with @MS. Waterloo, IA has a ski club on an interstate dig lake. They do both show and 3-event. When I used to ski there wind was tough...I drove by there recently and trees obscured any view from the interstate today. Back in the day they bought that thing for something like $40K. All the land and the lake.
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  • Baller

@Stiles the courses out on the delta have been around since the 70’s if not earlier. They also have land usueage leases with the owner of the property. When they were put in the army core of engineers did grant permission. These courses are also in sloughs where there is very little through boat traffic.

Now a days they would be grandfathered in to any changes. Mike Suyderhoud did have a ski school at Shasta not to long ago which did include a course. I believe it was silverthorn resort. Not to sure if the course is still there. Might be worth a phone call.

I would start with the army core of engineers first and start gathering information.

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  • Baller

Army Corps of Engineers will have jurisdiction for waters that are free flowing to the ocean up to the historical mean high water mark. The California Delta is a prime example. Inland lakes can be governed by a whole host of different entities. Lake Berryessa, for instance, is the Federal Bureau of Reclamation. Shasta is the National Forest Service once you get below the mean high water mark.

Determining the entity responsible for the lake below the high water mark and approaching them is the key.


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