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What's with new boats


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  • Baller

Weren’t tolerances built in many, many years ago to allow for hand driving variability. Now we have Zero Off that gives us repeatably consistent times. That is fair for all competitors. What are we going to do now say well that’s a big guy and he might pull the boat down more so we will allow him a 17:01-17:10 whatever. Nope, Zero Off tolerance for all competitors.

30 years ago this is what everyone only dreamed of and now we have it.

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  • Baller_

The advent of truly speed controlled (v. RPM) speed control and the ability to consistently run to a much tighter timing tolerance does beg the question on updating a tolerance window specification that is significantly wider than needed and one set for hand / previous version speed control systems. Not saying it should be changed, just throwing it out for comment. Similarly begs the question on ZO system response to maintain the tight tolerance times that it does.


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  • Baller
My 02 with ZO sits in a cup holder. I can rotate at will. If I am getting ready for tournament I turn it forward. Times right on and crap pull. Otherwise turning 45 softens it up. Haven't skied a tournament in 2 years so DKDc. Just thought I would give the whiners something else to think about. Has been same schmidt since 2007 ad nauseum! Maybe time for you guys to find a new sport. Tiddley winks anyone?
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  • Baller
I’m with thager. But here is a thought maybe it time to look at the person on the ski and not the speed control. As technology advances maybe we as skiers have to change ourselves. PP was easy to muscle being RPM based. ZO is not. I think skier JP mentioned rec mode for training. That works well to spread the tolerance and slow the boat down and work on form or new rope lengths.
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  • Baller_

@MS might as well go back to hand driving!

One setting then we are at mercy of the one skier that was used to set the parameters for the "one" !


I have alway's said that flat speed based system was not a good choice for our sport. having a RPM based system with a Speed overlay for the masses is a much better approach but the analites of the sport want it speed based and we lost probably 1/2 to 2/3 of our membership since.

It can be done with out anything more then mapping a course like we do now with driver interface.


shoot! I seen a 16.99 this weekend with zo!

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Anyone who still thinks this is a serious thread



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